Fertility Overview - Options and Functionality

The Fertility tab is all about creating fertilizer application files and reports. This document serves as a general orientation to the Fertility tab, and has links to more in-depth topics throughout.

Viewing Data Layers in Fertility

Field Samples, Management Zones, Saved Rx's, Season Zones, Yield and Yield Potential data sets, if they exist under the profile, may be viewed in the Fertility tab. In each case, this data would be accessed by expanding the profile tree to view the data layers by clicking on a farm or field name [1]

Once expanded to view the data types present under the profile, selecting any data type folder will expand it and allow access to a specific data layer. Selecting the data layer will allow it to be visualized on the map, but may need additional selections, for example a specific element selected in the case of field samples, before doing so. See below sub-sections for examples of commonly viewed data layers.

Viewing Field Sample Layers

Any field sample layers present in a field can be viewed by expanding the field, opening the Field Samples folder [2] and selecting the specific layer [3]. This opens the Sampling Summary window on the map. The Point and Map toggles [4] can be used to visualize point ID as well as specific elements.

Viewing Yield and Yield Potential Layers

Any field with yield or yield potential layers can be can be viewed by expanding the field, opening either the Yield [5] or the Yield Potential [6] folder, then selecting the specific data layer [7]. In the case of Yield Potential, the layer will be automatically visualized. Yield requires additional selections in the Yield window [8] depending on the desired view.

Viewing Management Zones

The management zones that exist for any field can be visualized in Fertility by expanding the field, then expanding the Mgmt Zones folder [9] , selecting a year, then a specific zone [10].

Viewing Season Zones

Season zones can be created to allow a prescription to be run on only part of a field, for help creating season zones, see Creating Season Zones. To visualize the area of a season zone, expand the season zone folder [11], then select the specific zone [12] the field boundary is still outlined in red, but the season zone boundary will be outlined in blue. Once selected an analysis can be run as normal except that the coverage area will be the season zone rather than the entire field.

Creating Variable Rate Rx

  1. Within the Fertility tab, expand Profile tree down to fields needed, and click their check boxes to select them.
  2. Select an Analysis Type, from the "Analysis:" drop-down menu.
  3. Select an Equation from the "Equ Set:" drop-down menu.
  4. Select a Crop, from the "Crop:" drop-down menu.
  5. Select an element from the "Element:" drop-down menu then click "Add Element" button.
  6. Repeat step 5 until all needed elements have been added to the request.
  7. Select any additional options desired, as well as any input fields that were added to the request based on any of the selections made in steps 1-4.
  8. Input needed values into any "Global Variables" options that appear.
  9. Input products in for all elements added, as well as any needed build to levels, Min/Max rates, ect.
  10. (Optional) Input any desired application cost into the "App Cost" input field.
  11. (Optional) Select any desired Report Options, or More Options selections.
  12. Click "Submit Rx".
The system opens Prescriptions box with a round radio button option to display each product layer visually within the Fertility map, and the four Prescriptions box options present. See image below, or see " Prescriptions Box Options Explained" sub-section below. For more guidance on creating prescriptions based on soil data, see Soil Fertility Analysis.

Analysis Types Explained

  • Soil Fertility: Soil Fertility Analysis type causes the system to allow fields with soil sample values to be run against available equations for a variable rate recommendation.
  • Seeding: The Seeding Analysis type allow management zones with stored yield goals to be used in conjunction with specific equations to generate variable planting controller files.
  • Removal : Removal analysis types allow for a variable rate recommendation to be made for fields with yield data sets, based upon what has been removed from the soil. Select up to 6 yield years for analysis. Please Note: The Soil Fertility analysis option will also allow removal to be added in conjunction with a typical VRA. Use Removal Analysis when running Removal only scenarios.
  • Lab Rx: Lab Rx analysis type allows for fields with soil sample values that returned from a lab with recommendations attached to simply run those attached equations.
  • User Rx: User Rx allows users to manually input build to values for each point within the sample set. See User Rx.
  • Lookback Analysis : Lookback Analysis takes into account saved rx (previously spread onto field) and a subsequent yield layer then runs those against the selected equation to result in a recommendation. See Lookback Analysis.
  • Adapt-N only : Adapt-N is an integrated service that offers custom Nitrogen recommendations. "Adapt-N only" analysis option runs only the nitrogen recommendation provided by Adapt-N. See Utilizing Adapt-N Recommendations in Fertility.
  • Flat Rate : This option allows any field(s) to be selected, and then a flat rate per nutrient to be selected. See Flat Rate Analysis.
  • Third Party Rx: This option allows a Third party rx to be loaded and will allow multipliers, and subtraction to be applied, generating a new rx based on the third party Rx.

Equ (Equations) Set Options

The contents of the "Equ Set" drop-down menu are determined by the labs enabled within the Location Preferences tool and by any default equations passed back into the system by the lab responsible for soil sampling data. For more help with this, see help section

Location Preferences - Equation.

Equ Set "Default Equation" Option

Selecting "Default Equation" as the equation for the fertility request causes the default lab equations for each integrated lab associated with the soil sample set(s) to be run against the given variables. For more information on the default equation, consult the integrated lab directly, or contact us by email fdssupport@efcsystems.com or by phone 1-615-864-8585

Using Custom Equations

Custom equations entered into the system may be selected by clicking the Select link text . After the link has been clicked, the system opens "Custom Equation" selection window. Expand the tree and click the equation desired to select it. See image on right. For more help with custom equations, see help topic Equation Manager.

Crop List Explained

Entries in the Fertility "Crop:" drop down list are populated by the Administrative tool: "Fertility Admin". Entries that display in black type are selectable with the current equation selected. Crops within the crop drop down list that display in gray are crops that are enabled within Fertility Admin- but are not available for the current equation set selected.

Please Note: For more help with Fertility Admin, see Administrative Tools help section Fertility Admin.

Fertility Saved Rx and Flat Rate Crediting

Soil Fertility analysis allows a Saved Rx, or a manually configured flat rate credit to be applied to a VRA recommendation. See help topic Soil Fertility Analysis.

Adding Elements

Add Elements to the Fertility request by selecting an element from the "Elements" drop-down menu and click Add Element

Elemental Options Explained

The input fields in the elemental panel will vary slightly depending on which equations are selected. The following help sub section covers the 8 basic inputs. For more help on undocumented options, see the owner of the equation.

Please Note: Any default entries appearing in the 8 inputs below are determined in the Location Pref Tool.

  • Product: The Product drop-down menu determines which fertilizer product should be used for the element. Products are added to these lists via the Product Management tool. The Product that displays by default, is selected within the Location Preferences tool. See help topic Location Preferences Fertility.
  • Max Rate: Setting a max rate causes the Fertility request to set any calculated output that would have exceeded the max rate to the max rate instead.
  • Min Rate: Setting a min rate causes the Fertility request to set any calculated output that would have been lower than the min rate to be the min rate instead.
  • Switch Rate: Setting a switch rate tells the system how to handle calculated values that would have landed between the minimum rate and 0. For example, if the minimum rate is 80 lbs per acre, and the switch rate is 60, then everything larger than 60 will be set to the minimum rate, and everything smaller will be set to 0.
  • Multiplier: Inputting a multiplier causes the recommendation to be multiplied by whatever value is in the Multiplier input field. Inputting a decimal value can cause the recommendation to become divided as well.
  • Subtract: Inputting a value into the Subtract input field causes that amount of raw element to be deducted from the recommendation.
  • Price : Price will show on the recommendation PDF if it is input in this input field.
  • App Cost: This cost refers to the cost of applying the recommendation to the field and is listed on the recommendation PDF.

Global Variables

Global Variables are passed along by the equation selected, and vary from equation to equation. All Global variable options require inputs.

Report Options Explained

  • Point Overlay: Point overlay refers to the overlaid values appearing within the Map portion of the Fertility Analysis PDF, as well as the Fertility Map screen. Clicking on any of the field sample points of the overlay will display the relevant inputs that went into the creation of the rx point value.
    Please Note: Point Overlay will only display if the fertility scenario is being run against a Field Sampling layer.
  • Interpolation Method: This drop-down menu determines the calculation method used to interpolate field data.
    • 1/r4 method assumes that the soil sample point data is true, and performs minimal calculation between the points, without altering the point values.
    • Kriging method assumes that the point values may not be completely accurate and calculates heavily across the field.
    • Grid method is specifically designed to optimize aerial application methods.

More Options Explained

Click on the Show/Hide link located after More Options: text to make the following options display.
  • Flat Rate Comparison: This option once clicked reveals extra area input options. Once an area is selected, this option creates a section on the Fertility Analysis PDF report that will display what the totals would have been had they been run at a flat rate instead of a variable rate.
  • One Field Per Report: This option limits the report to one field per application report, and also creates separate application files (per field) as well.
  • Add Note to Report Header: This option once clicked, reveals a Note input line. Inputs submitted within the Note input line appear at the top of the Fertility Analysis PDF, appearing after the Grower> Farm and Field information.
  • Use Zone Input: Upon clicking Submit Rx if "Use Zone Input" is checked, then the system will open "Zone Details" set up window. Use the drop-down menu to select the management zone layer needed, and the Zone Details window will update with the details of the zone selected. Use the "Equ Var" drop-down menus to select the equation variable that the data column values represent. See image below. Click "Submit" on the Zone Details window when finished. For more help with Use Zone Input option, see help section Using Management Zones to Add Multiple Yield Goals.
  • Create Blend: This option creates a Blend table on the resulting Fertilizer Application Summary page, that details the weight of nutrient from each product.
  • Exclude Cost On Report: This option is very straightforward in causing internal costs to be excluded from the Fertility Analysis report.
  • Disable Zone Smoothing: The FieldAlytics system performs an interpolation between zone areas to mitigate harsh stops and starts within the controller. Selecting the Disable Zone Smoothing option turns this interpolation off.
  • Disable Interpolation Across Polygons: The FieldAlytics web system will perform data interpolation across boundary polygon lines if the sampled point was close enough to another point to be considered. Selecting Disable Interpolation Across Polygons, turns this cross polygon interpolation off.
  • Utilize Controller for Output: This option, when selected causes the fertility VRA projection and resulting reports to display in a manner that is closer to the limitations of what a controller can spread.
  • Define Report Note: Clicking this opens a "Define Note" input window. Notes entered into the Define Note input window will appear in a "Notes" section on the last page of the Fertility Analysis PDF.
  • Save As Template: Clicking this opens a "Fertility Template" naming window. Input a name for the template and click "Save". Fertility templates will save all Fertility Analysis scenario details except for the fields selected, and certain report options.
  • Load Template: Clicking this opens "Select Template" selection window. Use the drop-down menu to select template desired, then click 
  • Submit Rx: Clicking this submits the Fertility request for processing. Once finished, the Fertility tab will open a black "Prescriptions" option box . See further help below.
Please Note: Many of the options within the fertility form may be configured to contain defaulted values within the Fertility tab of the Location Preferences tool. See the help topic Location Preferences - Fertility.

Prescriptions Box Options Explained

The upper portion of the "Prescriptions" box shows the product layers for the specific prescription. Click the different radial buttons to toggle visually between the product spread rate projections within the Fertility Map.
  • Clicking the Report option within the black Prescriptions box opens the "Export PDF File" option window. Make desired report selections and click . FieldAlytics will process report and deliver it within a separate browser window when complete.
Please Note: FieldAlytics web system utilizes "Pop-up" style browser windows in order to deliver reports, controller files and other downloadable items. Please ensure that any pop up blockers are turned off, or have provisions to allow pop ups from FieldAlytics web addresses.
  • Clicking "Create Work Order" opens "Add Work Order" selection window. Use the drop down menu to select an existing work order, or select "New Work Order".
Please Note: Selecting "New Work Order" causes the "Add Job Wizard" window to trigger upon clicking submit. For more help see help topic "Creating Fertilizer Application Work Orders"
  • Clicking "Export Rx File" causes the "Export Rx File" window to open. See "Export Rx File Options" subsection below for more help.
  • Clicking "Save Rec" opens "Save Recommendation" Naming window. Input a name for the recommendation, (if desired) select "Email Results" then click Save.

Please Note: When Saving Recommendations, if the option "One Field Per Report" option is checked, the recommendation will be saved under each field that it concerns within the Main Tab. If that option is not checked, the recommendation will save as a single file under the Farm within Main tab profile tree. If the recommendation is made for one field only, it will save under the specific field it was created for, within the Main tab.

  •  Clicking "Rx Alert" (if it appears) causes an informational window to open that details any Rx Alert conditions that were triggered by the Fertility Analysis request.

Please Note: Rx Alerts are triggered by missing variables within the Fertility Analysis scenario. These alerts will not prevent the Fertility Analysis from creating a recommendation, however the missing variables may be effecting the resulting recommendation.

Export Rx File Options / Creating Rx Exports

Follow steps 1-12 from "Creating Variable Rate Rx" sub-section above to create a rx, and open Prescriptions Box.

1. Click "Export Rx file" from the Prescriptions Box.

2. Use "Select Rx Format" drop-down menu to select a format for the export.

3. Input a name for the Rx File if the input field presents itself for the format selected.

  • Include Rx PDF Clicking Include Rx PDF does exactly as it says, including a Fertility Analysis PDF with the Rx export.
  • Email Results Clicking "Email Results" within the Export Rx File window causes the system to email the files once finished, instead of delivering the files live, within a separate browser window.
  • Assign to Asset Clicking Assign to Asset causes the Export Rx File window to update to contain a profile selection section which may be used to select the specific asset the file should be sent to. Expand the profile tree to the asset and click it to select it.
  • Create Ranco Blend Clicking Create Ranco Blend causes the Export Rx File window to update to contain the Ranco Blend Tool. Input desired values and click "Calculate". The Ranco Blend values will change based upon the Ranco calculations. Leave the Ranco Blend option checked upon clicking "Export" will cause the Fertility Analysis PDF to contain a section for the Ranco Blend details.

4. Click Export when finished.

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