Utilizing Zone Input in Fertility
Many Fertility analyses can utilize zone input in the generation of Rxs. A common use for this would be to input different yield goal inputs for various areas on the field.
Adding a Yield Goal Column to Management Zones
In the Main tab, expand profile tree down to the desired management zone [1], then click to select it, see image on the right.
- With Management Zone area showing within map, click "Edit" [2] from black Saved Zones box, see below image.
- The system will display advisory message that it is best to add one column at a time, click "OK".
- Edit Zone Attributes window opens, click the + sign by Add Data Column [3].
Input your desired yield goal value per zone, and name the data column. Then click "Submit Changes" [4].
Setting Up Fertility Recommendations with Management Zone Driven Yield Goals
- In the Fertility tab, fill out the Fertility input form from right side of screen as normal for a Soil Fertility analysis type
Select the option Use Zone Input [5] then click "Submit Rx" button [6].
- The Zone Input Tool window opens, select the desired management zone layer [7].
- Select "Yield Goal" from the Equ Var drop-down menu [8].
Please Note: If multiple fields were selected in the previous steps, the "Previous Field" and "Next Field" buttons [9] can be used to define management zone selections for each field.
- Options per Element, each of these options can now be selected for each individual elements included in the Rx [10].
- Apply Zone Input
- Disable Interpolation Across Polygons
- Use interpolated analysis values within zones with no samples
- Apply search buffer to zones
- Click "Submit" [11] to generate the recommendation.