Fertility Analysis: Flat Rate
Flat Rate Recommendations can be made for any field (even fields without Field Sample information), in the Fertility tab with the "Flat Rate" Analysis option.
Flat Rate Analysis Steps:
- In Fertility tab, expand down past any Farm level, then select "Flat Rate" from the Analysis drop-down menu [1] on right side panel (see second image below).
- Select the desired fields from the Profile Tree.
Please Note: For Flat Rate Analysis, all fields will become selectable, and fields with sample data will be designated with a scoop icon. Select an element from the Element drop down menu [2], then click the "Add Element" button [3].
- Repeat step #3 until all desired elements have been added.
- Select desired product and input desired rate. [4].
- Price of the product [5] as well as a application cost [7] can be input (optional).
- The Apply Credit selection [6] when selected will allow the credit to apply to another product. This is an important consideration for multiple products containing the same element.
- The Point Overlay selection [8] can be used to show product rate on the map, if desired, and the Interpolation Method [9] will control how the map changes rates from one part of the field to another (if applicable).
- Management zones can be referenced using the Use Zone Input selection [10] detailed below.
- Settings can be saved as a template, or templates can be loaded [11], see related documents.
- Select "Create Flat Rate Rx" button [12] when finished.
Flat Rate Analysis with Management Zones in Fertility
- Follow steps outlines above, selecting the Use Zone Input [10] option.
- Upon selecting "Create Flat Rate Rx" [12] a new window will display (see image below), allowing for the selection of a previously created management zone, see related documentation on creating management zones.
- Select the desired management zone from the drop-down [13]
Please Note: SSURGO Zones are automatically generated, all other zones will need to be created in the Main tab before being available for use.
- Select the element to apply the zone input to [14].
- Values may be automatically populated, if present in the management zone, otherwise they may be entered/edited in this window as needed [15].
- Select "Submit" [16] to generate the recommendation.
Tips and What to Expect with Flat Rate Analysis
- Flat Rate Analysis will allow for a nutrient to be added to the Fertility input form multiple times. Use this function to add multiple same-element products to the scenario.
- Crediting can be disabled on any nutrient. When selected, the "Apply Credit" option will allow the credit to apply to another product.
- Apply Zone Input can be applied to all, some, or no products, as desired
- After generation, the recommendation must be saved before appearing in the Profile Tree.
Keywords: Rx, Rec, Flat, Prescription, Recommendation, VRT Rec, fertility recommendation, a script, VR script, Saved Rx