Creating Fertilizer Application Work Orders
Like chemical application work orders, fertilizer application orders can be used to setup applications for specific fields with products at defined rates, during a defined application window. They may or may not be connected to an outside billing software, and can provide status notifications as the job is updated.
Example Fertilizer Work Order Creation Video
Accessing the Job Wizard
- In the Work Order tab, click "+ Work Order" on upper right side of the screen.
- The "Add New Work Order" window will be displayed on the screen, with the "Create Work Order" window on top of it.
- From the Work Order Type: drop down [1], select Fertilizer Application.
- Use either the Grower Search [2] to search for the grower by name, or navigate to the grower using the profile selector [3] below the Grower Search window.
- (Optional) If desired, use the "Sync With ERP" selector [4] to make the work order connected to an ERP, for example, Merchant Ag. Previous ERP setup for the location and grower is required for this step.
Please Note: This is the only time this order can have the ERP sync status set. If an order was mistakenly created as synced or un-synced and needed modified, a new order would need created. - Select "Save" [5].
Add New Work Order - Profile Selection Tab
The Profile Selection tab has a number of features and is primarily used to select fields that the order is being made for.
- Fields can be either selected using the Add Fields drop down [6] to select fields, then add with the + [7], or they can be selected directly from the map by clicking within the bounded area or name of the field.
- The Profile selector [8] can be used to view either a different farm, or the entire grower's operation.
- The layers icon [9] can be used to visualize assigned crops, change the map style or view FieldWatch data.
- If a season zone is desired instead of entire fields, these can be viewed/selected with the "Select Season Zones" slider [10].
Additionally, once a field is added, there are further options within the field card:
- Each card has its own menu [11] where the field can be removed, a Job Description can be input, or Sensitive Crops (if required for the VAR) can be certified.
- If a Saved Rx exists under the field and making a single job work order, this can be imported [12] to pre-populate the product list and rates. If creation of a work order from a Saved Rx is desired, it may be easier to start it from the Saved Rx, see the Create Work Order sub-section of Saved Rx Options for more.
- If there is a Farm Plan in this field with importable events associated with it, it can likewise be imported [13] from the card.
Add New Work Order - Products Tab
- Crop/Commodity Selector [14] Corn/Field, Soybeans and Wheat (Winter) are listed as commonly selected, however typing other crops will allow them to be selected.Please Note: Commodity can be selected from any tab, but must be selected before saving.
- Blend Calculator [15], requires prior set up using the tool: Blend Groups, this tool allows for fast addition of multiple products for custom, on the fly, custom blends. See help topic Blend Calculator.
- Fertilizer search box [16] can search/select any product setup in the tool: Product Management - Fertilizers.
- Application Rate [17] is input and acreage from Profile Selection is used to calculate Total Quantity [18].
- Fertilizer products can be designated as a Carrier [19] by switching the slider to Yes.
- Chemical products can also be added, much the same as fertilizer product using the Chemical search box [20] and uses the product list from Product Management - Chemicals or connected ERP.
- Optional Worker Protection Standard and/or Department of Transportation documentation, when available, can be included [21].
- Click on the Scale icon in the top right corner of the window to calculate total target rate for the blend. If the total Target rate is entered and one product does not have an Application rate, click on the scale icon next to the product to calculate the missing rate. [22]
- Click here to launch the CDMS Full Check, a guide to this feature can be found here. [23]
- View ERP Inventory Levels (not pictured) If connected to a supported ERP, such as Merchant Ag, product inventory levels may be viewed.
Add New Work Order - Options Tab
- Window Date Range [23] allows for selection of both a start and end date, and additionally allows you to designate an alert to be sent once the selected date arrives.
- Application Timing [24] is optional by default, but can be required in the Location Preferences tool.
- Notifications [25] can be in the form of either email or text alerts, Configure Alerts can be used to define the status changes that will trigger an alert to be sent.
- Attach File [26] can be used to upload any file, generally an application file.
- The Notes section [27] will add a note to all jobs created from this work order.
- The "Save" [28] button, while available on any tab, will generally be used on the Options tab to complete the order setup.
General Tips and What to Expect
- A required field that is not filled out may show up as an alert on the individual tab, this alert will provide more information if you hover over the icon. A yellow triangle indicates an issue that may need corrected, but a red triangle will not allow you to save until resolving the issue.
- Once saved, the work order will be available for view/review/editing on the work order tab and starts in the Entered status.