Saved Rx Options

Clicking a Saved Rx within the Main tab allows for prescription layers to be viewed on the map, PDFs to be downloaded, Work Orders to be created, Rx files exported and more. See help sections below.

Accessing Saved Rx Options

  1. Click on a Saved Rx layer, see image on right.
  2. The black "Prescriptions" box loads within the top right corner of the map. See relevant subsections below for help with these areas.
  • Report: Clicking this option allows for the Saved Rx PDF associated with the saved rx to be downloaded.
  • Create Work Order: Clicking this option allows for the saved rx to be assigned to an existing work order, or a new work order. See help section below.
  • Export Rx File: Clicking this option opens "Export Rx File" window, which allows for controller file formats of the saved rx to be generated, and assigned to assets. See help section below.
  • Point Overlay: This drop-down menu allows for the value being displayed as an overlay with the map to be selected.

Exporting Rx Files
  1. After clicking the "Export Rx File" link for any Saved Rx layer within the Main tab, the system opens "Rx Export" window, pictured below.
  2. Select a format from the "Select Rx Format" drop-down menu.
  3. Input a name for the file, and a dealer ID (if the option presents itself).
  4. Click "Export".
  5. The system will process the request then opens a separate browser window with a "Download Export" link within that window. See image below. Please Note: The separate browser window opens is a "Pop-up style" browser window. Please turn off any pop up blockers in order to receive shape file properly.
  6. Click "Download Export".
  7. File is downloaded to the computer.

Export Rx File Window Options Explained

  • Include projection (prj) file: This selection can be used in cases where a projection file is necessary to be included with the shapefile for the controller.
  • Make Viper Compatible Combined Shapefile: Optional for Viper Monitors, this will structure the files that the viper monitor prefers.
  • Exclude Folder Structure from Shapefile: The default file structure contains folders. Selecting this would exclude folders from the export format.
  • Include Rx PDF: Clicking this option causes the export to come with the Rx Summary PDF.
  • Email Results: Clicking this option causes the export to arrive by email, to the same email address as is the user name logged in at time of generation. Additionally, clicking this option reveals the "Additional Email(s)" input field. Inputting additional email addresses into the Additional Emails input field causes a copy of the export to arrive at each email address specified.
  • Assign to Asset: Clicking the check box of this option causes the window to open a profile tree for assets in the system. Expand the tree and select the needed asset. The file will be sent to the asset (if the asset has a file transfer service set up in the FieldAlytics system) upon export. See image below.
Satloc Format Dry Fertilizer Export Options Explained

For exports in Satloc format, extra setup details and options appear within the Export Rx File window. Click "Applying Dry Fertilizer" to un-check it, or follow help below for dry fertilizer setup options.

  • Base Speed: This input is to define the base (common) speed that the plane will travel.
  • Stepping Speed: Enter the speed at which the gate will adjust its level.
  • Stepping Gate Adj. Level: Enter the steps the gate will adjust when stepping speed has been reached.
  • Maximum Adj. Allowed: Enter the maximum step adjustments desired.
  • Default Spread Rate : Enter the spread rate desired when the spread file has no rate defined.
  • Default Gate Position: Enter the gate position desired when no position defined in Rx.
  • Active Rate Levels: This input populates directly from the Rx.

Create Work Order

Clicking the "Create Work Order" option on any saved Rx will allow for a new Fertilizer event to be created based on the saved Rx. See help section below.

  1. On any Saved Rx level within the Main tab, click "Create Work Order" from within the black Prescriptions box.
  2. The system opens "Create Work Order with Saved Rx" window, select from drop-down menu either an existing fertilizer work order, or select "New Work Order".
  3. Products can be modified as needed, select "Create Work Order".
  4. From here, the steps are identical to creating fertilizer work orders within the Work Order tab. For more help see Creating Fertilizer Application Work Orders.

Creating a Fertilizer Work Order from Saved Rx Example Video

Prescriptions Box Options Explained

The upper portion of the "Prescriptions" box shows the product layers for the specific prescription. Click the different radial buttons to toggle visually between the product spread rate projections within the Fertility Map.

  • Clicking the Report option within the black Prescriptions box opens the "Export PDF File" option window. Make desired report selections and click . FieldAlytics will process report and deliver it within a separate browser window when complete.

Please Note: FieldAlytics web system utilizes "Pop-up" style browser windows in order to deliver reports, controller files and other downloadable items. Please ensure that any pop up blockers are turned off, or have provisions to allow pop ups from FieldAlytics web addresses.

  • Clicking "Create Work Order" opens "Add Work Order" selection window. Use the drop down menu to select an existing work order, or select "New Work Order".

Please Note: Selecting "New Work Order" causes the "Add Job Wizard" window to trigger upon clicking submit. For more help see help topic "Creating Fertilizer Application Work Orders"

  • Clicking "Export Rx File" causes the "Export Rx File" window to open. See "Export Rx File Options" subsection below for more help.
  • Clicking "Save Rec" opens "Save Recommendation" Naming window. Input a name for the recommendation, (if desired) select "Email Results" then click Save.

Please Note: When Saving Recommendations, if the option "One Field Per Report" option is checked, the recommendation will be saved under each field that it concerns within the Main Tab. If that option is not checked, the recommendation will save as a single file under the Farm within Main tab profile tree. If the recommendation is made for one field only, it will save under the specific field it was created for, within the Main tab.

  • Clicking "Rx Alert" (if it appears) causes an informational window to open that details any Rx Alert conditions that were triggered by the Fertility Analysis request.

Please Note: Rx Alerts are triggered by missing variables within the Fertility Analysis scenario. These alerts will not prevent the Fertility Analysis from creating a recommendation, however the missing variables may be effecting the resulting recommendation.

Export Rx File Options / Creating Rx Exports

Follow steps 1-12 from "Creating Variable Rate Rx" sub-section above to create a rx, and open Prescriptions Box.

1. Click "Export Rx file" from the Prescriptions Box.

2. Use "Select Rx Format" drop-down menu to select a format for the export.

3. Input a name for the Rx File if the input field presents itself for the format selected.

  • Include projection (prj) file This selection can be used in cases where a projection file is necessary to be included with the shapefile for the controller
  • Make Viper Compatible Combined Shapefile Optional for Viper Monitors, this will structure the files that the viper monitor prefers.
  • Exclude Folder Structure from Shapefile The default file structure contains folders. Selecting this would exclude folders from the export format.
  • Include Rx PDF Clicking Include Rx PDF does exactly as it says, including a Fertility Analysis PDF with the Rx export.
  • Email Results Clicking "Email Results" within the Export Rx File window causes the system to email the files once finished, instead of delivering the files live, within a separate browser window.
  • Assign to Asset Clicking Assign to Asset causes the Export Rx File window to update to contain a profile selection section which may be used to select the specific asset the file should be sent to. Expand the profile tree to the asset and click it to select it.

4. Click " Export" when finished.

Shapefile Resolution Options

Users working within the Fertility Module will now have enhanced resolution output options while working with their Shapefile format files. Two additional resolutions will be available to the client to provide greater output control for conditions and situations where the known field controller will allow for it.
Specific to the "Shapefile" format and any of the Shapefile sub-options, the users will now be able to select between 15 meter (Default), 6 meter or 3 meter file resolution. The new 6 and 3 meter options will produce an outcome that have a greater density of grids over the selected field Rx. This will produce a greater file size and larger DBF file as well to support the greater resolution request.
Getting Started
From the Fertility Module, select your desired Rx event type (Fertilizer, Seed, Manual, etc.) and then proceed with filling out all required setup items. Run the Rx event and preview the interpolated output map. If satisfied, select the action option for "Export File". For any of the listed shapefile options, a new "Resolution" selection feature will be included with the "Rx Export" modal display. The system will default automatically to the 15 meter option. This is the standard for all other formats.
Rx Export Display Modal

Display Image of Default 15 Meter Resolution Output

Display Image of New 3 Meter Resolution Output

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