CDMS Full Check
A more detailed CDMS check has been added to Chemical and Fertilizer Work Orders. The CDMS full check includes a variety of inputs covering job details, applicator information, field information, and additional product use information.
To access the CDMS full check, edit or create a new Chemical Application or Fertilizer Application Work Order. The CDMS full check resides within the Products tab, once the desired products are added to the job, select the Launch CDMS Full check button near the bottom of the page. If a check has already been started on the one of the fields, an intermittent window will pop up allowing users to select either previously started checks from the drop down menu or start a new full check by clicking on the Start new Full Check button.
The CDMS full check is comprised of five different tabs for each field in the job (Job Details, Applicator, Field Info, Products, and Check Results) [1]. The Full Check can be toggled to a different field by selecting the field from the bottom row of tabs. [2]
Job Details
The Job Details includes areas of information relating to the encompassing job. Areas marked with a red triangle are required fields that have not been filled out yet, the bottom tabs to each page will also be marked with a red triangle if there are required fields that are not filled out.
Editable fields found in the Job Details page include
- Proposed Date- an interactable calendar to change the proposed application date
- Application Method- a selectable list consisting of Air, Ground, Chemigation, and Tree Injection
- Application Diluent- Amount of Diluent used in gal/acre
- Rowspacing- Spacing of the equipment
- Fieldman- Name of the person applicating
- Bandwidth (optional)- total length of the applicator in feet
- Grower Applied- Toggle between Yes and No to represent if the Grower will be applying the chemical or fertilizer
The Applicator page consist of information directly related to the applicator. This page requires the selection of a personnel Asset.
Applicator- Click here to select the desired asset from the pop up window containing the profile tree
License Number (optional)- if the selected asset has a License number associated, this field will automatically be populated with the assets license number
License Expiration (optional)- an interactive calendar to select the Applicators License Expiration Date
Applicator Code
Email (optional)- this field allows the user to input the Applicators email address
Field Info
The Field Info tab contains inputs related to the field associated with the job. This tab requires the user to have a crop designated within the job. A brief description of the contents of this page are as follows.
Crop- this box is required, but is not editable. The crop must be assigned to the job within the Job Wizard
Treated Acres- automatically pulled from the bounded acres of the job, this can be edited if the total acres of the field does not reflect the number of Treated Acres from the application
Season Start/ Season End Date
Field Use- a selectable list of uses for the application
Soil Texture- a selectable list of Soil Textures
Average Organic Matter
Average Soil pH
Catalog Year
Planted Date/ Estimated Harvest Date
Fieldman- Name of the person Applicating
Row Spacing- Space between field rows in inches
The Products tab has more inputs related to the usage of the products.
Pest type- a selection of pests and other uses
Product Use- clicking this box will populate a relevant list of specific uses for the product, one must be selected to continue
Check Results![](//
The Check Results tab is the final page, users can check each individual page for compliance by clicking save next to corresponding page name. Once all pages have been saved and are represented with a green checkmark, the Start Full Check button will be available. Once users click the Start lsdkfj Full Check button the check may ask more questions to review compliance, in the example below the system requires the user to select a specific pest that the chemical is going to be targeting.
Once all of the additional questions are answered the Check Results portion at the top of the page will be marked with a green checkmark and the product label(s) will be displayed in the window along with pests targeted, EPA Number, and Total product needed to complete the job.