Fertility Analysis: Seeding

Seeding prescriptions can be created either as a management zone, or by using the fertility module. In Fertility, Rxs can be created as simple flat rate seeding Rxs, more complex Rxs using zone input, or even by referencing soil data.

Setting Up Flat Rate or Zone Input Seeding Fertility Analysis

  1. From the Fertility tab, expand the profile tree down to any Farm  level.
  2. Select fields by selecting their corresponding check boxes [1].
    Please Note: Fields with both yield and soil samples display a check box with no coloration. Fields with Soil Sample data and missing measured yield will display brown coloration in Fertility, whereas fields with only yield/yield potential data display in green. 
  3. From the top right after selecting a field, set the Analysis to Seeding [2].
  4. Select an equation Set [3].
    Please Note: The support group can provide simple seeding equations for flat rate or zone input Rx creation. For more complex equations referencing soil data please reach out to the support group as new equations will be required to your specifications.
  5. Make selections for the Crop, Sub Crop, and Element drop-downs [4].
  6. After all drop downs in the Analysis box have a selection made, select "Add Element" [5].
  7. The gray Seed box will now be added to the right pane, this box is partially generated based on equation inputs, this images shows a simple rate input equation. 
  8. To create a simple flat rate Seeding Rx, input the seeding Rate [6] and select any Product [7], check the Use Flat Rate box [9], then "Create Seeding Rx" [10]. Other inputs in this gray box, rate limiters, price and seeds/bag are all optional. Max and Min Rate inputs will generally not be used for Flat Rate or Zone Input Seeding Rxs, but may be of use in Seeding Rxs that utilize soil data.
  9. To create a variable rate Seeding Rx, input the seeding Rate [6], select any Product [7] and check the Use Zone Input box [8], then "Create Seeding Rx" [10].
    Please Note: This option will require a previously created Management Zone, see Management Zones for more information on creating this. After selection of "Create Seeding Rx" [10], the Zone Input Tool will appear, for help in using this tool, see Utilizing Zone Input in Fertility.

Seeding Rx Referencing Soil Data

Users working within the Soil Fertility module have the ability to incorporate their Field Sample data layers directly into the Seed Rx scripts built within the program. This feature builds upon the existing Seed Rx utility where users could reference Management Zones and their associated attribute data for reference within the Seeding Equations. Users can reference both the soil sample data and management zones to build complex seeding recommendations.

A Field Sample event layer will need to be available underneath a field profile in order to generate a Seed Rx prescription that incorporates soil test value attributes. Clients can elect to do this be previewing their desired fields within the Main tab and verifying that the existence of a Field Sample layer is present.

Getting Started from Fertility

Beyond this method, the “Seeding” analysis mode within the Fertility module has been updated to provide the same visual feedback within the profile tree selection. Fields that have an available Field Sample soil test layer will show with the brown color shading and soil shovel icon.

The web system also performs an automated “requires soil test” check upon selection of your desired Seed Rx equation. If the equation selected utilizes soil test attributes within its setup, the system will only allow for fields that

 have an available soil test layer to be selected. If the equation being used does not utilize soil test attributes, then any field will be available for selection. If the required data layer for the equation isn't available, the field will be grayed out on the tree. Example image on right.

With the proper field(s) now identified, continue with the Seed Rx process by filling out all required equation variable inputs and Rx adjustment factors. For clients wanting to take advantage of established Management Zone control functions, the option for “Use Zone Input” can be used in conjunction with the soil test data layers. For more information about using Zone Input in Fertility, click the following link: Using Zone Input in Fertility. Further information about Management Zone creation can be found here: Management Zones

Zone Input Setup View

Finalize all setup scenario options and then select the “Create Seeding Rx” action button found at the bottom of the right-hand action pane. The resulting output will have utilized the constraints and information provided by the influencing Seed Rx equation.

Seed Rx Output Utilizing Soil Test Values

For any groups wanting to utilize this new feature, please reach out to the customer support team. Updated equations will be required to be entered that incorporate declared conditions for expressed/defined soil test attributes and levels.

Line Display Update / Location Preference

Clients working within the Seed Rx function will now have full control over the map display with regards to the Soil Test and/or Management Zone Input lines showing. Historically, the Seed Rx function had the polygon lines always showing. This could often lead to a cluttered map display depending on the size, shape and velocity of zone samples collected on the field.

This most recent update will now allow users to set their viewing preference via a Location Preference found within the tools page. Simply navigate to the "Location Prefs" option and then under the "Fertility" tab option, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the dropdown for "Hide Zone Lines on Zone Sample Events". When set to "YES", this will eliminate the polygon lines from showing both on the web interface map as well as the resulting PDF report.

With the option now set, run your desired Seed Rx event. At any time this option can be modified. If the user does elect to change this view preference, they will need to re-run their Rx event in order for the view preference to be updated.

Example of Seed Rx with Zone Sample lines Active:

Example of Seed Rx with Zone Sample lines Inactive (Hidden):

Clients also now have a new view option for the Product (Seed) Rate displays that can show within the map. Previously, for Seed Rx events, the "Product Rate" option was the sole feature/selection for the users. There was no way to turn this display off, nor did any additional input variable information show. 

Now, users not only can elect to have no overlay within their map outcome, they also can now click on the Product (Seed) Rate overlay and the system will display all soil test values and user variable inputs used from the selected equation.

Example Display of Map Overlay Input Values:

Example Display of NO overlay shown on the map:

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