Utilizing Zone Input in Fertility

Many Fertility analyses can utilize zone input in the generation of Rxs. A common use for this would be to input different yield goal inputs for various areas on the field.

Adding a Yield Goal Column to Management Zones

  1. In the Main tab, expand profile tree down to the desired management zone [1], then click to select it, see image on the right.

  2. With Management Zone area showing within map, click "Edit" [2] from black Saved Zones box, see below image.
  3. The system will display advisory message that it is best to add one column at a time, click "OK".
  4. Edit Zone Attributes window opens, click the + sign by Add Data Column [3].
  5. Input your desired yield goal value per zone, and name the data column. Then click "Submit Changes" [4].

Setting Up Fertility Recommendations with Management Zone Driven Yield Goals

  1. In the Fertility tab, fill out the Fertility input form from right side of screen as normal for a Soil Fertility analysis type
  2. Select the option Use Zone Input [5] then click "Submit Rx" button [6].

  3. The Zone Input Tool window opens, select the desired management zone layer [7].
  4. Select "Yield Goal" from the Equ Var drop-down menu [8].

Please Note: If multiple fields were selected in the previous steps, the "Previous Field" and "Next Field" buttons [9] can be used to define management zone selections for each field.

  1. Options per Element, each of these options can now be selected for each individual elements included in the Rx [10].
    1. Apply Zone Input
    2. Disable Interpolation Across Polygons
    3. Use interpolated analysis values within zones with no samples
    4. Apply search buffer to zones
  2. Click "Submit" [11] to generate the recommendation.

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