Field Trial
The Field Trial tool can be used to create and store chemical, fertilizer, and seed programs to be referenced for creating field level Field Trials. The tool allows users to define any type of program/application with an associated fee to later perform financial analysis as to the performance of said application via created field trials at the field level.
Accessing Field Trial Tool
- Click the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of FieldAlytics screen
- The system opens a small menu window (Pictured on right); Click "Tools"
- The system opens "Tools" menu window. Use drop-down menu to select "Field Trial"
Creating New Chemical Programs
A Chemical Program must be created in order to define a Field Trial setup. Follow the steps below
- To start, click "Add Chemical Program" in the upper left beneath the "Chemical Program" tab, the system opens a new input line in the area below
- Select the desired year [1], then input a program name [2].
- Select the desired Commodity [3].
- Please Note: Available Commodities are defined by user entry into the Administrative tool "Seed Management" on the Commodity tab
- Begin to type the desired product, selecting the specific product when it displays within the pop-up list [4].
- Please Note: Chemical pick list is generated from the CDMS database
- Select the desired Manufacturer [5].
- Please Note: Available Manufacturers can be managed within the Administrative tool "Seed Management" on the Manufacture tab
- Input desired rate value [6], select desired unit of measure [7], and input desired fee [8]. Click the green check to save.
Deleting Configured Programs
Configured programs will populate when opening the tool, clicking the red "X" icon located on the right side of the Program line will delete a previously configured program (seen in the screenshot above for the saved program beneath the green checkmark).
Please Note: The system will not prompt you with a message confirming the deletion of a program, clicking the icon permanently deletes the configured program.
Using Programs to Create Field Trials
Please Note: Chemical Program must be created through the Field Trial Tool, before field trials can be created on fields (see steps above).
- Creating New Field Trials may only be done through the Field level right-click "Add Data" option. To get started, right click over the Field Name within the Main profile tree.
- From the menu that appears, click "Add Data"
- The "Data Upload" screen opens. Select Data Type: "Field Trial".
- Input a name for the new field trial.
- Select a Chemical Program to be associated to the field area defined.
- Under "Upload Boundary:" section, the "Choose File" button allows for the selection of a boundary shapefile to be associated with the field trial. If no boundary is available for upload, the user can select "Draw" to draw the field trial polygon manually (see Drawing Field Trial Boundaries section below).
- Click "Add/Upload".
- A field trial folder (if none exists), and field trial entry will be created on the field.
Drawing Field Trial Boundaries
- From step 6 in the above section, click "Draw" beneath the Action dropdown where Draw had been selected.
The system returns to the map view within the UI, click "Add Polygon" in the right hand panel.
Draw tools are presented on the left hand side of the map, click on the Polygon Draw tool.
Define the area in which the field trial is desired to exist by clicking around the area within the field, finish drawing by clicking the first point placed.
Click the Save icon on the left hand side of the map (this icon looks like a card and is above the black "X" button).
- The system returns you to the Data Upload modal, click "Add/Upload" in the lower right.
Uploading Field Trial Boundary
- From step 6 in the Using Programs to Create Field Trials section above, leave the Action dropdown set to "Upload".
- Click "Choose File", the system will open an exploratory window which can be used to navigate the users device to location the compressed zip containing the boundary (.shp, .shx, and .dbf).
- Click "Add/Upload" once the file is selected.
- The system will process and then indicate "Trial Saved" once successfully imported.
- The user can now collapse and re-open the field profile and expand the Field Trial folder to view the newly uploaded Field Trial.
Editing Field Trial Boundaries
- Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder, click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it.
- From the right side gray panel "Field Trial Analysis" drop-down menu, select "Draw/Edit" [1], then click "Go".
- Click the floating "Edit Polygon" [2] tool from the left hand side (pencil and paper icon).
- The user can now add vertexes or drag and drop existing ones to manipulate the field trial area.
- Click "Accept" next to the edit polygon button when finished editing, then click the "Save" icon.
- Trial area will be updated to the area defined by the user.
Exporting Field Trials
Field Trial boundary areas may be exported from FieldAlytics as shape files. See help section below.
Downloading Field Trial Boundary Shape Files
- Within the Main tab, expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder.
- Click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it.
- On the gray right-hand side panel, use "Field Trial Analysis" drop-down menu to select "Download Boundary".
- Click "Go".
- The system opens a separate browser window with "Download Export" link inside. Please Note: Exports delivered live are delivered within a separate "Pop-up style" browser window. Ensure pop up blockers have been disabled to receive file properly.
- Click "Download Export" link.
7. Field Trial boundary shape file is downloaded to the computer.
Field Trial Actions
Once Field Trials have been created on the Field Level, and corresponding field trial geometry has been defined, there are several actions available on those layers.
Displaying Field Trial Stats: Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder. Click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it. On the right-hand gray panel, current stats for the Field Trial display, see image on right.
Displaying Program Stats: From the Field Trial Stats panel described in item above, click blue link for Program: to view chemical program details.
Field Trial Summary: Select "Field Trial Summary" from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side gray panel and click "Go" to generate it. Field Trial Summary will be delivered in a separate browser "pop-up" window, where it may be saved or printed.
Field Trial Analysis Report
If there is yield data available for the field, a Field Trial Analysis report may be ordered. Follow steps below:Field Trial Analysis Report.
- Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder. Click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it.
- On the gray right-hand side panel, observe "Field Trial Analysis" option showing within the drop-down menu then click "Go".
- The "Field Trial" menu window opens.
- Fill out all desired inputs from the Field Trial menu window. These inputs will be used as variables for analysis.
- Click "Run"
Field Trial Analysis will be delivered in a separate browser "Pop-up" window, where it may be saved or printed