Field Trial Analysis

If there is yield data available for the field, a Field Trial Analysis may be requested. The Field Trial Analysis gives users financial statistical analysis of application areas defined by the user within a field. The analysis is meant to specifically compare cost of the application in conjuncture with resulting revenue against areas that did not receive the application, this is not a financial analysis of all inputs over the course of the season. Follow steps below:

  1. Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder. Click the check box in front of the desired Field Trial Layer to select it.

  2. On the right-hand side panel, observe "Field Trial Analysis" option showing within the drop-down menu then click "Go".
  3. The "Field Trial" menu window opens.  
  4. Fill out all desired inputs from the Field Trial menu window. These inputs will be used as variables for analysis.
  5. Click "Run"
  6. Field Trial Analysis will be delivered in a separate browser "Pop-up" window, where it may be saved or printed.

Please Note: Reports delivered live are delivered within a "pop-up style" browser window. Please ensure all pop up blockers have been disabled in order to receive report properly.

Field Trial Menu Options Explained

  • Crop-Year: This drop-down menu allows for the yield layer to be selected.
  • Trial Area is: This drop-down menu allows the report to be run considering the area inside the field trial area to be treated or untreated.
  • Buffer: This input field, and the drop down menu that follows allows for a buffer area to be applied inside field trial area, or the whole field area. Buffer area yield values will not be considered within Field Trial Analysis calculations.
  • Market Value: This input field is required for Field Trial Analysis calculations. Input an approximate market value for yield units.
  • Product Cost: This input refines calculations by applying an per acre cost for the field trial treatments.
  • Application Fee: This input adds a per acre cost of applying the treatment to the field.
  • Program Fee: This input adds the cost of the chemical program to the Analysis.
  • One Trial Per Field: Selecting this option when multiple field trials exists on a field, causes each field trial to come as a separate analysis. When left unchecked, this option causes all field trials to be run together.

Example Field Trial Analysis Result

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