Creating Field Trials

Creating a Field Trial on a Field

  1. In the Main tab, expand the profile tree down to the desired field level.
  2. Right-click the field name within the profile tree and select "Add Data".

  3. The "Data Upload" screen opens. Select Data Type: "Field Trial"
  4. Input a name for the field trial.
  5. Select a Program.
  6. Under "Upload Boundary:" section, select choose file button allows for the selection of a boundary shapefile to be associated with the field trial. If no boundary is selected, one may still be uploaded or drawn later.
  7. Click "Add/Upload".
  8. A field trial folder (if none exists), and field trial entry will be created on the field.

Field Trial Summary

  1. Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder. Click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it. 
  2. On the right-hand gray panel, current stats for the Field Trial display. Click the blue link for Program: to view chemical program details. 
  3. Select "Field Trial Summary" from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side gray panel and click "Go" to generate it. Field Trial Summary will be delivered in a separate browser "pop-up" window, where it may be saved or printed.

Field Trial Analysis

If there is yield data available for the field, a Field Trial Analysis may be ordered. Follow steps below:
  1. Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder. Click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it.
  2. On the gray right-hand side panel, observe "Field Trial Analysis" option showing within the drop-down menu then click "Go"
  3. The "Field Trial" menu window opens.
  4. Fill out all desired inputs from the Field Trial menu window. These inputs will be used as variables for analysis.
  5. Click "Run"
  6. Field Trial Analysis will be delivered in a separate browser "Pop-up" window, where it may be saved or printed.

Drawing Field Trial Boundary

  1. Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder. Click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it. 
  2. From the "Field Trial Analysis" drop-down menu, select "Draw/Edit". Then click "Go".
  3. Click anywhere within the red boundary area of the field to place down a vertex box. (This begins the boundary drawing action)
  4. Continue clicking until area for field trial has been mapped by boundary.

5. Click the "Save" in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

Uploading Field Trial Boundary

  1. Expand the field, and the field level Field Trial folder. Click the check box in front of the Field Trial Layer to select it.
  2. From the "Field Trial Analysis" drop-down menu, select "Upload Boundary" and click "Go". 
  3. The system opens "Upload Boundary" window; click then search through computer to find and select boundary file to be uploaded.
  4. Once boundary shape file is selected, click "Open"
  5. Back on the "Upload Boundary" window, click "Add/Upload" button.

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