Filtering Work Orders
Applying Work Order filters causes the system to only display work orders that match the filter settings within the Work Order tab.
Accessing Work Order Filters
Filter TypesThere are many categories to filter work orders by the list of filters and options within each Filter are as follows:Please note: to remove any filter, click on the circle to the right of the category or select Clear All at the bottom of the window.
Once filtering criteria are selected, settings can be saved as a work order filter template. This allows for quickly loading a complex filter, or even setting it up as a default within Account Preferences. See subsections below for a more in-depth explanation of select filter types. |
Type: Delivery Ticket Options
Within the Type filter, after selecting Delivery Ticket, a secondary Delivery Ticket Options input is available.
The Secondary filter categories are:
- Delivery Method
- Deliver
- Pick Up
- Delivery Product Type
- Chemical
- Fertilizer
- Seed
To access these secondary categories, start by selecting Delivery Ticket in the Type category. Next Click the arrow on the right side to close the drop down menu (see arrow on right).
This will collapse the type filter selector and display the Delivery Ticket Options window. The type filter selector can be re-opened if necessary to select other job types in conjunction with Delivery Ticket.
All categories will be defaulted on in order to display every Delivery Ticket available. To narrow down the filter criteria, click any x (circled for "Pick Up" in the image on the right) to the right of the unwanted name category to remove a method/product type(s) from the filtered view. Click Submit to apply the desired filter(s).
At this point Submit can be pressed again to view the Work Order tab and your filtered list, or additional filters can be applied before submitting.
Product: Tank Mixes
The Product filter has the capability of searching for work orders based on a certain tank mix and/or certain products. This gives users a quick way to find like blend work orders and jobs allows for edits to be made across all of them in a more efficient way. This also makes for a more efficient way to find work orders that may need all go to one truck based on the exact blend being in all jobs.
Selecting Product from the list of filters will display the Product Filter window:
After selecting a location, a predefined Work Order Tank Mix or Product(s) can be selected as filter criteria.
Once a tank mix is selected, all the products within that mix will display within the modal. Here, users can delete or add products and toggle "Includes or Excludes" and "Any of or Only" the selected products showing.
If a user would not like to use a tank mix filter and would like to manually add products one by one within the modal, that is also an option. The functionality works the same this way as it does filtering for a tank mix. Once filtered for what they would like, hit submit and all work orders within that filter criteria will show. The applied filter will show on the right hand panel.
ERP Submitted
The filter "ERP Submitted" gives several filtering options for Work Orders connected to an ERP, such as Merchant Ag, Agvance, or AGRIS. This filter can quickly display those jobs that have not yet been submitted, those that have been and received an ID, or those jobs containing an error.
- Submitted - Displays jobs where an ID from the ERP has been successfully returned.
- Submitted With Error - Displays jobs at the status where an ID from the ERP would be expected, but is missing.
- For users using AGRIS: completed or later orders with no formulation ID
- Agvance: accepted and later orders with no blend ticket
- Merchant: accepted or later orders with no Batch ID/Order ID.
- Not Submitted - Displays jobs that have never been sent to the ERP due to their early status.