Combined Export Management Zone Options

The Combined Export of Management Zone option can be performed at the Grower and Farm level to Export Controller Files(individual or merged) and/or PDF Reports in a batch form.

Things to Know before use:

  • Each Management Zone selected must contain a Data Column to use the Combine Export. 
  • Only the Shapefile controller format can use the "Merge" feature, combining all selected Management Zones into one Shapefile.
  • Overlapping Management Zones exceeding 5% of the total combined field acres is not allowed when exporting using the "Merged" option 
  • Controller File Types available in the Print/Export Option:

How to Use the Combined Export from Management Zone Option

  1. Go to the desired Grower or Farm level profile and right click over the name.
  2. In the pop up menu, click "Combined Export from Mgmt. Zones"
  3. The system opens the Select Management Zones window, navigate through the profile selecting the Management Zones for export, click "Continue". 
  4. The system opens "Rx Export" window.
  5. Select a "Application Type"[1]
  6. Fill in the input boxes for [2]Product, Unit, Cost/Unit, Default Rate, and Seeds/bag(Omitted if not seed application type).
  7. Select the desired "Export Format"[3] from the dropdown menu.
  8. Select any desired Rx Export options[4]See Rx Options Explained below
  9. Click "Export"[5]
  10. The Files will be emailed to the user that is logged in. 

    Rx Export Window Options Explained

    • Include projection (prj) file: Selecting this box will include a .prj with the shapefile export. This file can be a requirement for the application to be accepted by the monitor.
    • Merge: Only Shapefile format can be merged, this will merge all selected Management Zones into one export shapefile. 
    • Additional Email: This option will email the export files to the email inputted into the Additional email box. 
    • Make Viper Compatible Combined Shapefile: Selecting this option will place an "Rxmaps" folder in-between the zipped file that is downloaded and the shapefile components (.dbf .shx .shp).
    • Exclude Folder Structure from Shapefile: The downloaded zipped file will hold the shapefile components. No additional folders are generated.
    • Email Results: Selecting this option causes any reports or controller files created upon export to be delivered by email instead of live delivery.
    • Assign to Asset: Clicking the check box of this option causes the window to open a profile tree for assets in the system. Expand the tree and select the needed asset. The file will be sent to the asset (if the asset has a file transfer service set up in the FieldAlytics system) upon export.

    • Include Zone Summary: Selecting this option will include a .pdf report of the management zone layer with its data columns.
    • Limit to Summary Details: Selecting this option causes the zone summary to come only with totals from the zone summary table.
    • Display Yield Potentials for Normal SSURGO: Selecting this option for management zones created with SSURGO yield potential layers, causes the resulting zone summary to come with yield potential table values.
    • Send to Climate FieldView: This checkbox is only available for fields connected to FieldView. Selecting this option will deliver the management zone layer to the Climate data inbox.

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