Combined Export Management Zone Options
The Combined Export of Management Zone option can be performed at the Grower and Farm level to Export Controller Files(individual or merged) and/or PDF Reports in a batch form.
Things to Know before use:
- Each Management Zone selected must contain a Data Column to use the Combine Export.
- Only the Shapefile controller format can use the "Merge" feature, combining all selected Management Zones into one Shapefile.
- Overlapping Management Zones exceeding 5% of the total combined field acres is not allowed when exporting using the "Merged" option
- Controller File Types available in the Print/Export Option:
How to Use the Combined Export from Management Zone Option
- Go to the desired Grower or Farm level profile and right click over the name.
- In the pop up menu, click "Combined Export from Mgmt. Zones"
- The system opens the Select Management Zones window, navigate through the profile selecting the Management Zones for export, click "Continue".
- The system opens "Rx Export" window.
- Select a "Application Type"[1]
- Fill in the input boxes for [2]Product, Unit, Cost/Unit, Default Rate, and Seeds/bag(Omitted if not seed application type).
- Select the desired "Export Format"[3] from the dropdown menu.
- Select any desired Rx Export options[4]. See Rx Options Explained below.
- Click "Export"[5]
- The Files will be emailed to the user that is logged in.
Rx Export Window Options Explained
- Include projection (prj) file: Selecting this box will include a .prj with the shapefile export. This file can be a requirement for the application to be accepted by the monitor.
- Merge: Only Shapefile format can be merged, this will merge all selected Management Zones into one export shapefile.
- Additional Email: This option will email the export files to the email inputted into the Additional email box.
- Make Viper Compatible Combined Shapefile: Selecting this option will place an "Rxmaps" folder in-between the zipped file that is downloaded and the shapefile components (.dbf .shx .shp).
- Exclude Folder Structure from Shapefile: The downloaded zipped file will hold the shapefile components. No additional folders are generated.
- Email Results: Selecting this option causes any reports or controller files created upon export to be delivered by email instead of live delivery.
- Assign to Asset: Clicking the check box of this option causes the window to open a profile tree for assets in the system. Expand the tree and select the needed asset. The file will be sent to the asset (if the asset has a file transfer service set up in the FieldAlytics system) upon export.
- Include Zone Summary: Selecting this option will include a .pdf report of the management zone layer with its data columns.
- Limit to Summary Details: Selecting this option causes the zone summary to come only with totals from the zone summary table.
- Display Yield Potentials for Normal SSURGO: Selecting this option for management zones created with SSURGO yield potential layers, causes the resulting zone summary to come with yield potential table values.
- Send to Climate FieldView: This checkbox is only available for fields connected to FieldView. Selecting this option will deliver the management zone layer to the Climate data inbox.