Farm Plan Rate Maps using ERP Products

Users connected to an ERP platform will now be able to use these ERP products for Farm Plan events within a rate map.


  • Rate Map must be prepared using the ERP product, see related article Preparing Rate Maps
    • Product cannot be resolved when selecting the rate map
  • Created Farm Plans must be connected to the ERP platform
    • When creating Farm Plans, users can elect to use non ERP products

Rate Map Event Selection

To add the prepared rate map containing ERP products, follow the steps below. For more information on creating a new Farm Plan, see related article Creating a Farm Plan.

  1. Within the Farm Plan Editor, expand the desired Chemical, Fertilizer, or Planting event
    1. Ensure the correct inventory site is selected for the event
  2. On the fertilizer line item, dropdown to select unit "Rate Map" on the right [1]
    1. The "Select a Rate Map" button becomes available
  3. Click "Select a Rate Map" [2]
  4. The select a rate map modal is presented, use the dropdown [3] to select a rate map containing an ERP product
    1. Note: Multiple rate maps can be added to a single event by adding a new line item to the event
  5. Once the rate map is selected, click "Confirm" [4]

  6. After the rate map is added to the event, price [5] and price unit [6] can be adjusted accordingly if necessary

Querying Rate Map Financial Information

Once a rate map has been saved within a Farm Plan, users can query financial performance within given areas of the field based on the event. Follow the steps below:

  1. If the Farm Plan Editor is still open, click "Save & Close" in the lower right
  2. Once the Farm Plan loads, use the dropdown in the upper right to select the Rate Map layer
  3. At this point, the user can haver over the map to view financial performance in any given area of the field

In the below DAP fertilizer application event, the area in question received 155 lbs/ac of product. Product cost within the field is presented with the histogram and map coloration.

Disabled Rate Maps

While adding a Rate Map to an event in the Farm Plan Editor, users may have options in the list of available rate maps that are labeled Disabled. These Rate Maps are not selectable and have an error alongside rate maps that have not been prepared. Causes for the Disabled denotation include, but are not limited to:

  • Wrong inventory site/ not having an inventory site selected for the product
  • Not having the correct inventory site selected for the product
  • The product has been removed from the active inventory site

Once the error is resolved for the Rate Map, it will be removed from the Disabled List and be once again usable for Farm Plans.

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