Creating Delivery Ticket Work Orders
This Work Order type specifically enables users to define a quantity of product(s) that are to be picked up or delivered to the grower client. Delivery Ticket jobs do not require nor allow for the selection of a Farm/Field profile. Given that the Delivery Ticket is not field specific, yet more a collection of products needed for a client’s overall farm operation, the work order type has been modified to instead require a specific POI (Point of Interest) asset to be assigned to the job.
Example Delivery Ticket Creation Video
Creating Delivery Tickets
Navigate to the Work Order tab, then select " + Work Order" from the top right of the window:
After selection, the Create Work Order window will open:
Select Delivery Ticket as the Work Order Type [1] , then use either the grower search box [2], or navigate using the profile tree [3] to select a grower. If this grower is connected to an ERP, such as Merchant Ag, the Sync With ERP [4] slider will allow you to either connect or disconnect this order from the ERP. After all selections have been made, select "Save" [5] which will take you to the Add New Work Order job wizard.
Profile Selection
The Delivery Method selector [6] allows the user to set if the job is to be delivered by the service provider to the client, or if it will be picked up. Options are Delivery or Pickup. Different POI assets will be displayed depending on method selected. To select an asset, click on the map icon [7] or select it from the drop-down list then select "+" [8].
- If “Pick-up” option is selected, user will be presented with Location Level POI assets to select from.
If Delivery option is selected, user will be presented with Grower level POI assets to select from.
Please Note: POI Assets will need to be previously defined to create Delivery Tickets, see Creating POI Assets below for more help.
Once the assets are selected, navigate to the " Products" tab [9].
- This step will allow the user to define any/all products that will be part of the Delivery ticket request
- Fertilizer - [10] Derived from the product list in the tool Product Management - Fertilizer
- Chemical - [11] Derived from the product list in the tool Product Management - Chemical
- Seed - [12] Utilizes the CDMS crop list to add commodity, manufacturer and variety, displays the variety name after addition. If a Seed Treatment needs to be added, see the Seed Treatment Delivery Ticket help document for more information.
- After adding any product, Total Quantity and Unit selections [13] appear to define product quantities. Once this is done, select the "Options" tab [14].
- Window Date Range - [15] This step will allow the user to define the needed dates for the anticipated pickup date or delivery date for the products, optionally, an alert can be set up for the entering user when the start or end date has passed.
- Notifications - [16] Allows for alerts to be sent via text or email for configured job statuses.
- Attach File - [17] Allows for any needed documentation (such as an invoice) to be attached to the ticket
- Notes - [18] Allows the user to leave any specific notes for the ticket that will impact or concern anyone handling its completion.
Once all settings are set for every tab, the " Save" button [19] can be used to save the job and return you to the work order tab.
Please Note: If any required fields are missing, there will be an alert in the specific tab notifying the user of what is missing. You can navigate to any tab at any time to view/resolve errors, and every tab has a "Save" button.
Creating POI Assets
Point of Interest (POI) assets can be created for either a Location for use as a pickup location, or for a Grower as a delivery location. The POI asset type will allow the user to configure a fixed lat/lon positional point to the asset that is then able to be mapped and used later within the various filter types found in the Operations Dispatch module for scheduling purposes. POI assets are required to use Delivery Tickets and can be created either through the Assets tab following steps outlined in the help topic Creating and Managing Assets or from the Main tab by following the steps outlined below.
Location Assets
In the main tab, select a location from the profile tree on the left [20] then in the left pane, open the "Tools" drop down and select "Location Assets" [21].
This will open the Asset Management window:
This view will zoom into any assets [22], if present. The map tools Layers [23] can be used to view specific growers boundaries/crop areas (if defined) and Filter Assets [24] can perform basic asset filtering. In the right pane of this window, asset details of existing assets can be viewed or edited by selecting them from the map [22] or from the drop-down [25] , and new assets can be added using the "+" icon [26].
Creating Location Assets
After selecting the " +" icon [26] as seen in the above section, the Add Asset window opens:
Enter an Asset Name, select an Asset Type, then where to store this asset, then " Save".
Please Note: Assets need to be stored in specific Asset Folders, to create a new asset folder select "+ Create Folder" [27]. The entered name for the new folder will be viewable from the Main and Assets tab after saving.
After saving, the asset edit window will allow more information to be input:
All fields are optional except location. To set a location, click on the menu icon [28], then Edit Asset [29], then click on the map to set location. After making any other desired selections, select "Save Edit" [30]. The asset is now ready for use.
Grower Assets
In the main tab, select a grower from the profile tree on the left [31] then in the left pane, open the "Tools" drop down and select "Grower Assets" [32].
This will open the Asset Management window specific for the selected grower:
All other steps and features are the same as the above section for Location Asset Management.