Mobile Delivery Summary
Now available for Delivery Tickets within Work Orders is a summary that can be edited to reflect any changes made, this also gives users an overview of what was done for the Delivery Ticket. The Delivery Ticket Summary is only available to view and edit on delivery ticket work orders with a completed status or more.
To access this the Delivery Summary start by navigating to the desired Delivery Ticket job that is set to Completed (Dark Blue)
Next, swipe left on the work order and select Status/Note
Within the Status Update window click on delivery Summary
The Delivery Summary includes Grower Name, POI, Delivery, Delivered Materials (Fertilizers, Chemicals, and Seeds), Assets, Photos and Signature. Delivery Time, Delivered Materials and Assets can all be edited. To remove an item, swipe left on an item and select delete. To add any additional item, click on the green + within the corresponding category to add additional delivered materials or photos. Clicking on the signature box will display an add signature page that users can sign directly on the screen with their finger or stylus. If any changes are made, click save in the top right corner of the window to save and return to the Status Update window.