FieldAlytics v4.3 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics Team is proud to introduce the following new features and performance improvements as part of version 4.3 of FieldAlytics. Click on the links below found within each topic of the release notes summary to learn more about these items.
Within Main, users will now be able to select multiple Season Zones within a single report setup. This enhancement will help ensure flexibility in the report profile selection process and allow users to better control the output scenarios for sub-field management situations.
Work Orders
In Work Orders, users will also find updates around the selection and use of Season Zones. Customers will have the added flexibility to create a single work order job that consist of multiple Season Zones under the same field profile. This update will ensure proper handling of the bounded area for the associated Season Zones as well as any calculations and export files required.
Beyond this, new prompts to the Tank Size input will be available to the user when requesting a Tank Mix report. The tank size input will allow for the user to provide this value as well as having the system automatically pull in the Target Rate value direct from the Work Order job setup inputs.
New filter functions will be available to enable users to find jobs "Not Submitted to ERP" for any connected locations. The ERP Submissions filter will allow the user to do a Yes or No search, thus enabling them to only see jobs that have been submitted to their connected ERP, or that have not yet been submitted to their ERP solution.
Clients will be able to take advantage of a new Integration to the ROGO soil sampling service provider that will enable work order details, job information and layers to be sent over to this provider. Clients will be able to define their desired fields, set the collection criteria and have the field boundaries, target layers and job details passed over to ROGO. Upon completion, job status updates and layer updates will pass back to FieldAlytics.
A final update within this module focuses on the details and information presented in the Finalized Summary window. New updates to display Billable Services, Field Legal location information, Invoice Number as well as Work Order, Completed and Finalized job notes will all show within the summary window and on the Finalized Report PDF.
Performance Improvements
- Imagery Summary Report update for Acre Calculation
- Document Sub-Folder display update within Profile Tree
- Improved messaging for improper chemical rate input within Job Setup
- Agris Soil Sampling Job updates for ID display
- Multi-Input Zone error fix for invalid geometries
- Work Order update for proper handling of unique/special characters
- Batch Farm Planning Tool Farm Name Updates
- Yield by Variety Report fix for data calculations
- Notification Center updates for enhanced information and content
- Export file updates for removed products within a Work Order generated from a Saved Rx
- Blend Calculator update for Inventory Site selection