Combine Multiple Season Zones
Newly introduced, the ability to combine multiple Season Zones for one work order will enhance the user experience as well as their customers. Allowing users to combine season zones for one job now eliminates having to bill multiple invoices based off of multiple "field boundaries" being used. This now also will only create one record per season zone.
Getting Started
When creating a new Work Order the user has the ability to toggle on the "Select Season Zones" map view. From here they will see fields with multiple season zones, clicking the ones they would like to use they then will be directed to the right side of the Job Wizard where they will see all of their field season zones with their names associated. There are three lines at the top of each season zone box, click those. A drop down will appear and here is where "Combine Season Zones" now appears.
Once selected all season zones are selected and the user "Combines Season Zones" they will all get wrapped up into one. Showing this view.
If satisfied, the user can then add products, notes, date range, etc. and continue on like a normal Work Order creation is happening.