ROGO Soil Service Provider WO Job Integration

Clients will have another option for Third Party Soil Sample collection. A new integration with Rogo will now enable sampling work orders to be created, assigned and sent directly to the Rogo software solution.

Getting Started

Clients will first need to ensure that an existing business account is setup with Rogo.  Once that has been either confirmed or established, the FieldAlytics support team can work with the customer group to enable the account connection through the web platforms Soil Service Provider Setup tool.

Next, navigate to the Work Order module. Begin by selecting the option to either add a new Soil Sampling Work Order or to add a new job to and existing Soil Sampling Work Order. With the Grower profile then identified, next select the needed Farm(s) and Field(s) that will be part of the job setup. As part of the profile setup, users can either elect to upload a target sample file or have the system automatically utilize the most recently created Directed Sampling layer associated with the field.

Progress to the “Labs” tab on the Work Order setup. At this time fill in the needed information associated with the assigned lab, package, account and depths. Then identify the sampling method, previous crop, field status as well the Soil Service Provider. In your dropdown list, you should then see Rogo as a selection option. Once selected, then finalize the setup criteria for this provider by clicking on the “configuration setup” icon found next to the dropdown window. 

Soil Service Provider Configuration Access/Selection

ROGO Configuration

From within the Configuration setup modal, begin by identifying the needed configuration options listed. User will be able to identify the Sampling Urgency, the Season Readiness, Grid Size, Frequency of Micros, as well as any unique or specific Sampling Restrictions Notes or Instructions for the ROGO team when scheduling or collecting the requested job.

Finalize the configuration by selecting the green “add” icon and then after reviewing the configuration output, select the “Save” action button at the bottom of the window. At this time, the configuration icon next to the dropdown will then update to a green color indicating that all required items have been filled out.

Progress to the options tab of the work order to identify any needed Date Ranges as well as needed notification settings for alerts and emails. Select the “Save” button to submit the job order.

The FieldAlytics program will then update the job display line within the overview page to include the supplied Rogo job ID. This visual indicator will immediately let the user know if the job was successful received by the third-party group.

At this juncture the job has been passed to Rogo for their collection services. Key indicators such as the Urgency defined as well as the Field Status level listed will dictate how quickly the jobs are scheduled and completed. Once they have been collected, the Rogo service will then post back a status update to the FieldAlytics software that will allow the program to update the job status to the needed completed level.

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