Logged Data Upload Utility

Users working with machine logged data files will now find a new utility within the web application to easily allow them to manually upload and process logged data and machine files from various sources. The new web utility will bring the same overall functionality to the service but will now allow the user to handle all their file processing needs directly within the existing web tool.

Previously, users had to install the LINK desktop software on their PC and then log into this stand-alone utility. To add flexibility to the file processing service, the FieldAlytics platform will now offer a logged data file upload feature directly in the web application allowing the user to identify their controller file/file type format quickly and easily, as well as browse for their desired files and have the system do an immediate validation of the file selection made.

Accessing the Logged Data Upload Utility

From the primary action bar that includes the module tab display the user has access to, as well as the Notification Center and Options menu icons, users will now see an additional “Cloud” display icon that will open the logged data upload tool.

Once you have selected the Cloud icon, the system will open the new Logged Data Uploader display modal. The overall functionality and primary display will very closely match that of what was available to the users via the desktop LINK software program.                                         

Processing Your Files

Users will first select their desired “Controller Format” that they wish to upload and process files for. From the available dropdown list, find the controller type of the files that you are attempting to process into the system.

Note: Files will need to be in a compressed folder. Excessive folder structure can interfere with the uploaders ability to ingest files.

With your format type now selected the next step will be to identify the location of your raw machine files. Use the Blue “Browse” button to open your local file explorer selection window. Browse to the location Folder/File(s) that you wish to select for processing. 

Next to the “Browse” button is an informative text alert notification. Select the “Info” icon to display important file information regarding file structure requirements and file validation made on selections by the user. Files must always be compressed into a zipped archive.

With your file selection now made, the upload utility will now display two new action buttons. Select the “Start Upload” button to have the web system begin its validation of the selected file to ensure it matches the controller file format requirements selected in your initial step.

Users can also elect to select the “Reset Form” button that will clear out their current selected files. This option will easily allow you to re-select a new/different set of files.

With a successful file validation response message, the user can finalize the file upload process by then selecting the “Submit” button. This selection will then send the files off to the backend processor and association functions.

The system will close the Logged Data Uploader window and provide the user with a “Success” notification. This same alert will provide some quick text information as to the regards of system notifications for the end delivery and completion of the upload event. Users can either find these completed details via email or online notification within the Notification Center utility.


Web Uploader FAQ

  • Please Note: Five minute browser timeout errors can occur dependent on number of files/size, along with Internet connectivity speeds. If the upload exceeds this time limit, nothing will be loaded. To resolve adjust the number of files being uploaded in one session.
  • When uploading Case IH files, why does the message "File check failed, contents invalid or did not match selected controller format." appear?

The uploader is sensitive to folder structure. The raw .cn1/.cnh file folder from the Case machine needs its full contents included as well as the folder the contents are in. To obtain the correct file/zipped structure for uploading, the zipped folder that is selected from within the uploader should contain the folder (for example 220803A2.cn1) with all it's contents intact and no additional sub-folders between the zipped folder and the folder ending in .cn1/.cnh from the machine.

  • When uploading John Deere files, why does the message "File check failed, contents invalid or did not match selected controller format." appear?

The built in folder structure from files downloaded from certain John Deere monitors may need some reconfiguration in order to upload with this uploader. See Uploading John Deere Data with Web Uploader for more.

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