Merchant Bookings From Farm Plans

Bookings can be created from Selected Farm Plans for connected customers. Users connected to Merchant can easily create bookings and send them to Merchant Ag.

In order to create bookings connected to Merchant Ag, the Merchant Ag Connect API must be installed for your database. Reach out to your Merchant Ag Customer Success individual for more information.

Reach out to your FieldAlytics Customer Success representative to gain access to this functionality or learn more about bookings.

Accessing the Tool

  1. At the grower level, click the Tools dropdown on the right and select "Booking / Prepay"
  2. Within the modal, click "Add Bookings from Farm Plan" at the top
  3. In the Booking Metadata modal, select "Merchant Ag" as the product list and click "Continue"
    1. Only plans with Merchant products will be pulled into the next modal

Selecting Plans to Book

  1. Crop Year must be set for the year the booking will reside within and filter Farm Plans based upon [1]
    1. Defaults to the current year
  2. The Booking Date Range must be set for the date range in which the booking will be used [2]
    1. Defaults to the current calendar date range
  3. All selected Farm Plans for the selected year are displayed on the left hand side with the year, field name, and plan name presented [3]
    1. Select plan(s) using the checkmark to the left to begin creating a new booking
    2. Click on the plan to expand it to view the products from all the events for that plan
  4. All products from all of the plans that have been selected are displayed to the right [4]
    1. By default, all of the products and the totals from all selected plans are checked
    2. Uncheck products that the grower does not want to book
    3. Product totals are automatically summed, the totals can be altered to book an alternative product amount
  5. Click "Create Booking" to review what is being booked [5]

Saving the Booking

  1. Once the plans and products have been identified, setup the booking attributes
  2. Each product will create a separate booking to align with Merchant
    1. Each product booking can be reviewed by clicking into each booking at the top [1]
  3. The booking can be given a name to easily identify it [2]
    1. By default the booking name is "New Booking"
  4. Booking status may be set to Open or Closed [3]
    1. Status is Open by default
  5. Booking Creation Date, Expiration Date, and Agreement Date can be identified [4]
    1. All three dates by default are the current day when the modal is loaded
  6. By default, the plan inventory site is used as the Primary Inventory Site [5]
    1. Multiple sites can be selected, but only one can be the primary
    2. To change the primary site, first choose a different site and then remove the pre-loaded default site
  7. The product is automatically imported from the selected plan(s) at the total amounts with the price [6]
    1. Amount, Price, and even the product may be altered at this point
    2. Priced At Sale indicates that an amount of product is being booked and the pricing is determined at the time of sale
    3. Quote indicates that the customer is agreeing to a price per unit, but the product amount becomes irrelevant
  8. Terms may be added to the booking, these are just text fields allowing the user to document necessary context pertaining to the booking [7]
  9. Click "Save" to finally create and save the booking [8]
  10. Upon clicking save, the bookings will be sent to Merchant Ag

Once the booking is saved, it will become viewable within the modal you started in. The booking may be edited after it has been created as long as it is not in the Closed status.

Note: Entering custom booking names before saving will make it easier to identify the booking when returning to this tool.

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