Yield Potential
Yield potential layers are automatically generated from NDVI and SSURGO data as available, or can be manually created from yield normalization. These layers represent a synthetic yield layer and can be useful in the absence of quality measured yield.
Accessing Existing Yield Potential Layers![](//d33v4339jhl8k0.cloudfront.net/docs/assets/5ed670fc04286306f80483ae/images/62d969f179bb3605c3949948/file-Rrp6DOufmb.png)
Existing Yield Potential layers can be viewed as a field level data layer. Navigate to a field in the Main tab, then expand the Yield Potential layer. Yield Potentials are sorted and stored by year. Automatically generated Yield Potential layers will contain an (Auto) after the name. For more information on this, see the help document Auto Generated Field Layers.
After selecting a specific layer, the map will display the various yield potential zones along with a histogram legend for the color values. The right pane will also contain summary statistics for the layer, including yield values, creation date and the user who created the layer. Existing Yield Potential layers can also be edited using the " Edit Yield Potential" button available in the right pane after selecting a layer. The edit window will look much like manual creation of Yield Potential except that yield values may now be edited, see topic below.
Manual Creation of Yield Potential
Yield Potential layers can be manually generated from Normalized Yield layers, which may be created automatically or manually. Normalized Yield layer can be manually created using the field level "Tools" button in the right pane. Yield normalization can use multiple layers of either measured or synthetic yield. See Yield Normalization for more information. With a Normalized Yield layer selected under a field in the Main tab, select "Create Yield Potential" from the right pane.
Input the Name that the layer will be saved as in the profile tree and select the Commodity and Unit. At this point, yield values can't be input, but will be generated from a combination of the input layers and county averages for the commodity. If desired, yield values can be edited after generation of the Yield Potential layer. Once the "Submit" button is selected, the layer will be saved to the profile tree under the selected year in the Yield Potential folder.
Yield Potential layers can be utilized as a source or Crop Removal in the Fertility Analysis: Soil Fertility as well as a stand in for measured yield in reports, such as the Yield By Management Zone Report.