FieldAlytics v5.0 Release Notes
5.0 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics Team is proud to introduce the following new features and performance improvements as part of version 5.0 of FieldAlytics. Click on the links below found within each topic of the release notes summary to learn more about these items.
Crop Area's now have extended value throughout the application, crop designation is now visually available on the Main, Fertility, and Operations maps as a new layer. Easily visualize all of a growers fields and the crops that are being grown on them throughout the application. Additionally, the information is available in the job wizard, empowering users to quickly identify what fields need what treatment based on cropping practices. Finally, the Batch Crop Area tool now has a new feature that allows users to have a Map View of their fields to make selections and batch assign crops. The new map view option will provide users with a visual option while setting up their Crop Area's and help ensure accuracy in the process. Learn more about how to utilize crop areas.
For easier profile management, users will now have a new file upload option to help populate their Grower Profile list under a given location within the system. This option will allow the user to utilize a CSV file as an import option versus the traditional Shape File and/or Manual entry options, thus giving users flexible options in their profile tree management.
Users working within the Fertility Module will now have enhanced resolution output options while working with their Shapefile format files. Two additional resolutions will be available to the client to provide greater output control for conditions and situations where the known field controller will allow for it.
Farm Planning
Users now have the ability to share Farm Planning Event Templates and Budget Templates across locations. For an in depth look at the new feature, take a look at our Sharing Farm Planning Templates help document.
Work Orders
New and improved "Applicator Summary Report" within Work Orders now has functionality that allows users to build a personnel report showing acres within each chosen status assigned to that personnel as well as filter for certain App Timings.
Merchant Connected "Liquid Blend" Selection