Assigning Crops and Colors
Assigning crops and viewing crop colors on assigned fields is now easier and more efficient than ever. With added new functionality to Batch Crop Area and Assigned Crops within Main, users can now assign crops to fields from a map view and also see said fields colorized within the Map View on Main. Please read on both new features and how to navigate to them below.
Now available within the Batch Crop Area users are able to select the fields they would like within Crop Area Generation tab, through a map view. Giving users this functionality will allow them to select multiple fields from the map view and then batch update them. The same functionality from before within the tool is still the same with check box selection but added functionality has been made to allow users to choose how many fields they would like to see within the modal.
To see these new features users can go to the Main Module, choose a grower from the profile tree, within the right hand pane choose "Tools" & "Batch Crop Area". Once here, please follow the steps below.
After clicking Map Selection users will see the new Map View pop up, users should see a map view like the following.
1. Users can select the fields they wish to include by clicking within the boundary directly. Once a field has been selected the color will change to yellow.
2. After clicking "Continue with Selected Fields". The user will be returned to the Batch Crop Area modal and these selections will be reflected back in the main Crop Area Generation modal.
Once back on this modal, users now have the option to choose how many fields they would like to see on their page. This just gives users more visibility at a quick glance.
Viewing Assigned Crops
Assigned Crops can be viewed in a few different areas. One area to view assigned crop is within the map view of the Main tab. Start by entering the Layers Menu at the top of the map and checking the box next to assigned crops. Assigned Crops can only be viewed at the Grower, Farm and Field level. Once the Assigned Crops layer is selected a legend will show in the lower left corner of the map. This legend will show a list of all assigned crops with acre totals for each respective crop. Users can also filter this legend by year and crop. Clicking on a field or fields will show the selected fields acre total. Click Clear Selected to unselect all fields at once.
An advanced filter is also available within the legend. Click on the filter icon to show the Crop Area Filter.
Now users may filter by a larger variety of metrics including Variety, Crop Description, Type, and Planting or Harvest Date.
The profile selection screen within Work Orders is another area to utilize Assigned Crops. Within the Profile Selection while adding a new Work Order, click on the Map Layer icon in the upper left corner of the map view and toggle the Assigned Crop option. This will show a map legend with the same functionality of the Main tab Map Layer, with filters for both year and crops.
Assigned Crops are also available within the map layers in Operations.