Merchant Ag - Connected Job Types and Status Changes
This article outlines different FieldAlytics job types which will be passed over to Merchant Ag provided the user group is utilizing the Merchant Ag ERP platform. Additionally, this article outlines how status changes are reflected with the interaction between Merchant Ag and FieldAlytics.
Connected Job Types
- Chemical Application
- Chemical Application jobs will create Merchant F3 batches
- Fertilizer Application
- Fertilizer Application jobs will create Merchant F3 batches
- Delivery Tickets
- Delivery Ticket jobs will create Merchant F1 orders
- EC Field Mapping
- EC Field Mapping jobs will create Merchant F1 orders
- Scouting
- Scouting jobs will create Merchant F1 orders
- Soil Sampling
- Soil Sampling jobs will create Merchant F1 orders
Status Changes and What to Expect
Entered: When a connected work order job is entered in FieldAlytics, it is not immediately submitted to Merchant Ag as an F3 batch or F1 order. It is suggested that jobs remain in the Entered status until the user would like the job sent over to Merchant.
Accepted: Once a job is updated to the Accepted status, it will be submitted as an F3 batch or F1 order dependent upon which job type is chosen above. Merchant Ag will return the Batch ID or Order ID for the job once submitted. It is important to note that once the batch is submitted to Merchant, if the user decides they are no longer going to perform the application or service that the batch/order should be voided in Merchant.
Assigned: Once the job becomes assigned, if product(s), rates, or Billable Service(s) have been changed, these updates will be passed to Merchant. The assigned Merchant Applicator(s) or Vehicle(s) will not be pushed over at this time (provided they are connected to Merchant).
Prepared: If you are utilizing any of the available blender integrations, once dispensed, the connected blender will send the dispensed quantities back to FieldAlytics and produce the Dispensed Summary for the job. This will then push these dispensed product totals to Merchant as the job becomes Prepared.
In-Process: When the applicator moves the job to In-Process, FieldAlytics will again pass any changes over to Merchant (i.e. if the product totals are changed on a Fertilizer job, this would change the product totals for the F3 batch).
Complete: Once the job becomes Complete, FieldAlytics will send updated information entered on the Application Summary over to Merchant Ag. Additionally, any assigned and connected Merchant Applicator and/or Vehicle will be sent over as well.
Finalized: Users have one last change to review a job after it has been complete to ensure the information reflects the application or service that took place. Updating the job to Finalized will present the user with the application summary to make any necessary changes to be passed over to Merchant Ag.
Invoiced: Once a Merchant F3 batch or F1 order is settled, FieldAlytics jobs will be updated to the Invoiced status. This gives clarity to those individuals living within FieldAlytics what has taken place within Merchant Ag.
Cancelled: If an individual decides that an application will not be performed, or service not provided, voiding an F3 batch or F1 order within Merchant will update the FieldAlytics job to Cancelled.
General Information
Users can edit Merchant connected jobs if need be, the general suggestion would be to perform any edits while the job is in the Entered, Accepted, or Assigned status.
If the job has been submitted to Merchant (has passed the Entered status), this will require that the job be re-submitted to Merchant Ag. This can be done by clicking the dropdown arrow on the job line and selecting "Re-submit To Merchant Ag"
Once jobs have been completed and updated to the invoiced status after being settled to Merchant, they can be Archived in FieldAlytics. This does not change anything on the Merchant batch, but allows users to remove jobs from the immediate work order list to focus on outstanding work.
Please Note: Archived jobs are not removed from the system, they are just removed from the immediate list presented to the viewer. Archived jobs can be located by filtering the work order tab to Archived jobs.