MyJohnDeere Grower Sharing Permissions

How to setup a grower(partnership) to share data to a retailers MyJohnDeere account for then downstream access into FieldAlytics. This access facilitates FieldAlytics ability to consume yield, as-applied, and as-planted data along with being able to share prescriptions files via the connected asset. EFC and John Deere recommend the following permission configurations within the grower's shared MyJohnDeere account (Organization) to facilitate retailer data sharing to FieldAlytics.

Setting up a Partnership with MyJohnDeere Ops Center:

  • Login to the companies MyJohnDeere account
  • Go into the Setup > Team
    • Ensure that when you are doing this you are viewing/accessing this via the user/Organization that is connected to the FieldAlytics user through Tools>MyJohnDeere Authorization

  • Click the "+Add^"> Partner Organization

  • Toggle on "Receive Access"
    • Input the Grower's MyJohnDeere login email> Click "Next"

  • Please follow the below Access Levels for transmission of data between FieldAlytics and MyJohnDeere Ops Center>Click "Next"

  • Click "Send Invitation"

  • The "Accept Partner Invitation" will appear in the requested Partnership logs into their account, images below present what the partnerships permission review entails
    • Please note that upon sending the permission request the partnership may not see the invite for a few minutes. If the "Accept Partner Invitation" doesn't appear upon login, logout, wait 5 minutes and try again.

  • Once access to the partnership data is approved, Login into FieldAlytics
    • Go to Tools>MyJohnDeere Authorization>click "Launch Connection"

  • A new tab should open to the "Connect with FieldAlytics" window on the MyJohnDeere website
    • Ensure that the desired partnerships are toggle on with a green checkmark and Save

  • Once a new partnership is established, an historical pull of data(Yield, As Applied, and As Planted) will occur during our nightly sync with Deere Ops Center, along with the ability to setup Assets within FieldAlytics tied to equipment setup under the partnership.


Q: What if the Partnership is not transmitting data to FieldAlytics or unable to toggle on in the "Connect with FieldAlytics" window?

A: This most likely means that the partnered Organization is not sharing adequate permission to the Organization connected to FieldAlytics. Go to Setup > Team to ensure that you have Location Level 3 and Organization 2 (at minimum) permission granted to your Organization from the grower's Organization.

B. The Partnership has not approved your request to access their data, to view access received go to Setup>Teams>Partners>you must have "Received" the requested access levels for the connection to work. If still in the "Granted" state the Partnership has not approved your request

Q: Why is the EFC card not presented under Organization Connections?

A: You are most likely viewing the grower Organization. Ensure you have selected the Organization connected to FieldAlytics in the upper right corner of Operations Center.

Q: Why am I unable to toggle on an Organization?

A: There is a box that must be checked when requesting permissions from a grower's Organization to share data. This can be found by going into Setup > Team and clicking on the Organization in question. Make sure that the below box is checked within the Organization Management section.

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