Add to My Layers Function

FieldAlytics "My Layers" function may be used to compare data sets against each other visually by overlaying them and utilizing the available transparency sliders. This feature allows users to potentially visualize trends, compare seemingly different layers to one another, and much more. Users can additionally add layers to "My Layers" and then interact with other layers within the profile tree. For instance, a management zone could be edited with an alternative data layer laid over top of it.

  1. Navigate to a "My Layers" enabled data set and click the "Add to My Layers" button on that data set within the right hand panel
    1. Please note: The exact button placement varies slightly between data set types, however it is always located somewhere within the gray right-hand side panel of the data set.
  2. The system indicates that the layer was created.
    1. The popup indicating this can be closed
  3. Click the "Layers" option within the blue task bar in the top left of the screen, then select "My Layers" at the bottom. (see below)

  4. The system opens "My Layers" window. Click the layer check box  to activate the layers to be displayed, then click and drag the transparency sliders  to adjust opacity of layers until desired view has been achieved.
    1. In this case, we have an elevation layer lain over top of a phosphorus soil test.

My Layers Enabled Data Sets:

  • Management Zone Layers
  • Yield Data Sets
  • Veris Data Sets
  • Ariel Imagery Data Sets
  • Field Sample Nutrient Data Layers
  • As-Applied Data
  • As-Planted Data

Example Video of MyLayers in Action

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