Profile Mover

Profile Mover

The Profile Mover tool may be used to move any profile to another profile location of the same type. 

Note: ERP Connected customers must use the Copy Field tool to prevent downstream effects.

Accessing Profile Mover Tool

  1. Click the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of FieldAlytics screen.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. The system opens "Tools" menu window. Use drop-down menu to select "Profile Mover"
  4. The system refreshes Tools window to show Profile Mover selection menus.

Using Profile Mover

  1. Select a profile level to move, from drop down menu labeled the same. Use the drop down menus on the left to define the profile to be moved [1].
  2. Use drop-down menus on right to define the destination for the profile to be moved[2].
  3. Click "Move >" button [3]Profile Mover Tips and What to Expect
  • Moved profiles will also move all the data sets held within the profile
  • Original position of moved profile will no longer contain the moved profile
  • Profile Mover is disabled for moves to ERP connected locations due to downstream effects on Work Orders, the Copy Field tool is advised instead.

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