Merge Fields

The Merge Fields Tool , may be found in the Tools menu, and used to merge two fields and most data sets contained under those fields together to create a new field.

Accessing Merge Fields Tool

  1. Click the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of FieldAlytics screen.

  2. Click "Tools"

  3. The system opens "Tools" menu window. Use drop-down menu to select "Merge Fields"

Merge Fields Steps and Functionality

  1. Start with the profile selection column labeled [1] (in image below) to define first field to be merged.
  2. Use column [2] (in image below) to define second field to be merged
  3. Use column [3] (in image below) to define where the newly merged field should appear.
  4. Click "Merge Fields" button[4].

  5. A pop-up verifying that the merge is in progress will indicate the task has moved to the background.

    Please note: The Merge Field tool will not allow the "merge to" field to be a field name that already exists under the same farm even if that field is "blank" and does not yet have a boundary. Delete the existing "blank" field and retry Merge Field request.

What to Expect from Merge Fields Tool, and Merged field functionality
  • Merging fields will not delete the original fields that were merged, or any of their data sets.
  • Merged Boundaries will appear as the two (or more) original boundary polygons together as a single boundary layer.
  • When merging fields with overlapping boundaries, post-merge cleanup of the new boundary will be required.
  • Merging fields will merge As-Applied, As-planted, Yield, and Veris data ONLY if the raw data for those events are a match.
  • Merging fields will NOT combine Management zone layers, Soil Samples, Documents, Saved Rx, or Imagery data sets.
  • If the original "pre-merge" fields were left in the system, then data uploads via Link, Raven Slingshot, and MyJohnDeere should be delivered to both the new merged field, and the pre-merge fields that reflect the geographical position of the data- Assuming the uploading user has profile access to all of those field boundaries.

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