Connect Growers to Merchant Ag
Use Connect Growers to Merchant Ag tool to associate FieldAlytics Growers to Merchant Ag Customers. See help below for steps in using the tool, or for system behaviors explained.
Accessing Connect Growers to Merchant Ag Tool
- Click the Menu icon in the upper right hand corner of FieldAlytics screen.
- Click "Tools".
- The system opens "Tools" menu window. Use drop-down menu to select "Connect Growers to Merchant Ag".
Using Connect Growers to Merchant Ag Tool
- Select a location from the Location drop-down menu[1].
- The system will display all possible linkable FieldAlytics Growers, and pre-populated search input fields[2].
- "Leave out growers already connected to Merchant Ag"[3] will omit any actively connected Merchant Ag Grower from the populated list.
- Find the desired Grower then ensure the corresponding "Search"[2] input field reflects what the Grower is called within Merchant Ag.
- Click the search icon[4]
- The system loads the "Customer" drop-down menu[5] with possible matches. Select Merchant Ag customer from drop-down menu.
- Continue with steps 3-5 until all needed Growers are mapped to corresponding Customers, then click "Submit"[6]
What to Expect from Linked Grower/Customer profiles
- Newly created work orders will show "Merchant Ag" sync option.
- Sync enabled work orders show Merchant Ag icon within the Work Order screen.
- For sync enabled work orders, applicable inventory levels and Customer details show within the work order tab's "Add Job Wizard".
- Merchant Ag Chemical Kits may be selected within Merchant Ag enabled Chemical work orders.
- Submitted work orders for linked profiles will sync to Merchant Ag for finishing work after the work order has been updated to "Accepted" status in FieldAlytics.
- Work orders finished on the Merchant Ag system will sync back to FieldAlytics; marking the work order as status "Completed".