Adapt-N Dashboard

The Adapt- N Dashboard is an all encompassing tool for users to better manage fields in relation to Adapt-N. Everything Adapt-N related can now be easily found within the dashboard and is available at both the Grower and Farm levels of the profile tree in the Main tab.

Please note: at least one field must first be enrolled for the grower to have the Adapt-N dashboard available

To access the dashboard, navigate to either the Grower or Farm levels of the profile tree and click on the dashboard at the bottom of the map. Select the Adapt-N tab.

Initially users may notice that the color of the field boundaries within the map view have changed colors. One of the functions of the Adapt-N dashboard allows users to more easily identify which fields are enrolled and not enrolled to Adapt-N. A green field boundary represents a field that is currently enrolled and configured in Adapt-N, a yellow boundary shows fields that are enrolled, but not configured; while a red boundary denotes a field that is not enrolled.

Clicking on a field with show its Enrollment and Configured status, as well as, an analysis from the latest Adapt-N recommendation.

Opening the Adapt- N Dashboard from the Grower level will show the list of farms present for the grower with statistics of how many fields and acres are Enrolled and Configured. Clicking on the Map icon next to a Farm will zoom the Map view to focus on that farm. Clicking on the Map icon next to the Grower line will then reposition the map view to show all fields within that grower.

Click on the ^ next to a Farm name to expand the list of Fields contained within the farm. This is where the bulk of the functionality is contained for the Adapt-N dashboard.

From here users can see the Enrollment and Configuration status of each field, along with the area of the field and a brief analysis of the latest Adapt-N recommendation (If enrolled). The Rx analysis shows total lbs of N on top followed by Min/ Avg/ Max below.

Additionally, an array of functions on the right side of the dashboard are available to users

  • Configure- Click here to update any Configurations to the fields Adapt-N enrollment.
    • Fields that are not currently enrolled will have the Enroll option.
  • Rx Map- Clicking on the Rx Map button will show the most current Adapt-N Rx on the map
  • Rx PDF- Click here to easily download the latest Rx PDF
  • Saved Rx- Click here to download the latest Saved Rx PDF that was generated with an Adapt-N recommendation

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