Pest Management

The Pest Management tool allows users to associate pests to specific crops. This tool also allows custom pests to be added that may not be found within the CDMS pest list. Currently the functionality of this tool is limited to only this window with more functionality coming in later updates.

To access the Pest Management Tool, click on the menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select Administration.

Next select Pest Management from the drop-down menu.

Crop Associations tab

To get started, click on the green +Add Crop button.

From here, select the desired crop from the Crop drop-down menu. Now users may search for and add pests to associate with the crop. The searchable list may also be narrowed by selecting a pest type filter. Once a pest has been added, it will appear in the list below displaying the pest name and pest type. To remove a pest from the list, click the red x to the right of the pest type. Once all desired pests have been added, click submit to finish.

The Crop will now be displayed in the Crop Associations page, click on the down arrow to show a complete list of all pests associated with the Crop. If any additional pests need to be added to or removed from a crop, click on the blue pencil icon to edit the list.

Pests tab

The pests tab allows users to make any edits to any available pests, as well as, add pests to the list.

To edit a pest, click on the blue pencil icon. If editing a pest from the CDMS pest list, the Scientific Name and Pest Type cannot be change. Users may change the Common Name of the pest, add any notes, select a location of the pest (Plant or Soil), give the pest an abbreviation, or a Third Party pest ID.

A photo can also be added to show what the pest looks like. To add a photo, first click on the Photos tab. Next select Upload and then Browse. Once the photo has been found and selected, click add. Now click Submit to finish uploading the photo.

To add a new pest, click the green +Add Pest button in the upper right corner. Follow the same steps stated above for editing a pest. Please note that a Common Name, Type, Scientific Name and Location are all required to add a new pest. Once submitted, the new pest will appear within the pest list.

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