FieldAlytics v7.1 Release Notes- 1/16/24
The FieldAlytics Team is proud to introduce the following new features and performance improvements as part of version 7.1 of FieldAlytics, available Tuesday, January 16th. Click on the links below for each topic of the release notes summary to learn more about these items.
User Signatures
A signature may now be added to a users profile. Future updates will allow users to apply this signature to various aspects within FieldAlytics
License Management
FieldAlytics can now ingest and store license information such as Certified Crop Advisor or Pesticide Applicator. Currently this information is only stored within the Licenses tab of the Account section of FieldAlytics with more functionality coming in future updates
Element Mulit-Select
Multiple elements may now be selected at once in the drop-down menu of the Fertility Analysis tool. This is a huge quality of life update to the functionality of Fertility that will save time for users running analysis' containing multiple elements.
Agris Split Management tool
In an effort to continually increase the connectivity between FieldAlytics and ERPs, the Split Management tool has been expanded to support Agris connected fields. Splits already created within Agris will automatically be imported into FieldAlytics.
- Use Elevation Data from Collected Samples on Mobile
- Sample Test Results with Null Values now Allows User Rx to Load