Assigned Crops Profile Filter

Loading the profile tree at the Farm level in Fertility will now display all current Crop Areas. In addition, users are able to filter Crop Areas by crop to easily select fields to run an analysis.

The Assigned Crops Profile Filter contains different filters and functions

  1. Year Filter- Changes the year of the Assigned Crops being displayed on the map
  2. Select Assigned Crop- Selecting a crop will only display the the assigned crop colors of the crop selected
  3. Select Profile Filter Type- Manipulates the Profile tree to select fields based on the Assigned Crop Filter.
    1. Select All- This will automatically select the fields that contain the selected Assigned Crop.

    2. Limit Profile Selection- This will disable the selection of fields that do not contain the selected Assigned Crop.

  4. Clear Filters- Click to remove all filters selected.
  5. Acre Count- Breakdown of all Crop Areas by Crop
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