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Creating Mapping Work Orders

Mapping Type Work Orders allows users to add fields to a Work Order that need a mapped boundary or attribute.

Selecting Work Order Type and Grower Profile

  1. In the Work Order tab, click Add Work Order to the right of the screen.
  2. Select "Mapping" for Type. [1]
  3. Select desired VAR, Bu, Location and Grower. [2]
  4. (Optional) Click Sync with ERP [3] to enter P.O. and Invoice number  

Please Note: P.O. and Invoice Number details are for record keeping purposes, and are not required. Merchant Ag Sync not available for Tissue Sampling Work Orders.

  1. Click Save to continue.

Add Job Wizard - Profiles

  1. Add relevant fields by expanding profile and selecting desired fields from the drop down menu once the field is selected, click the green plus icon.
  2. Fields selected for a Mapping Work Order do not require a current field boundary. If a field is selected that does not have a boundary. Click on the Select button within the field tile and click on the map to drop a pin to establish a geographic area of reference for the job.
  3. Once all desired fields have been selected, click Mapping to continue to the Next step.

Add Job Wizard - Mapping

  1. Select the Mapping Type. [4]
  2. Click Options to continue to the next tab. [5]

Add Job Wizard - Options

All inputs on this tab are optional.

  1. Make desired selections
  • Window Start and Window End Dates: These refer to the window of time that the work order is expected to be completed in. Click the input fields in turn and then click on the dates needed within the Calendar that appears.
  • Window Start and End Date Alerts: Selecting these check boxes causes an email alert to be sent when either the start or the end date has passed.
  • Send Notification Emails: Selecting this option causes notification emails to send when there is a status change for a work order.
  • Send SMS/Text Alert: This option causes Work Order email updates to send by SMS text message. Select option check box, then input mobile phone number, and provider information. Click  to add more text alerts, or click  to delete.
    • Please Note: Carrier charges may apply.
  • Attach File: This option allows for a directed sampling file to be attached to the work order. Click Upload File link text, then click the "Browse" button. Select the file from computer, then click "Open". Click "Upload". Any file attached here will be passed along with any emailed job (if Send Email Attachments box is checked), as well as any "Download Job" action.
  • Note: Notes appear within "Job Details" and Work Order PDF reports under a "Notes:" section
  1. Once all requirements in the  Options Tabs are met, Click Save to create the Work Order.

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