Operations Overview
Welcome to the new Operations tab in FieldAlytics. Operations has received a new interface with streamlined usability as well as some welcomed new features centered around ease of use while selecting assets and Work Orders and improved filtering within the Dispatch list. The Operations tab is primarily for viewing Work Orders spatially in order to arrange them into Dispatch Lists which can be sent to machine or personnel assets for completion. This article will dive into all things within Operations highlighting both new features and returning feature with the updated interface. A deeper dive into some aspects may be found in linked articles.
Operations Interface Overview
The Operations tab can be broken down into different areas being Work Order list, Dispatch List, Filters, and the Map View.
- Work Orders List- Contains jobs yet to be added to a Dispatch
- Each job is displayed in its own tile, each Job tile will display the Job number, Job Status (colored circle next to job number), Acres and (Billable Acres). Grower Name, Location and Work Order Type
- Clicking on the map icon will display the field boundary for the job
- Clicking on the information icon will display more details within the job including Window Start/End Date and the Products and rate (if applicable) of the Job.
- Hovering over the file icon will display how many files are attached to the job
- Clicking on the Green + icon will add the job to a New Dispatch.
- Selecting Jobs- to add multiple jobs to a dispatch, the check box in the top left corner of each job must first be checked. Users may select individual jobs, or by clicking on Select All at the bottom of the Job List.
- Add to Dispatch- Once the desired jobs have been selected, clicking Add to Dispatch will allow users to add the jobs to a new or active dispatch.
- Dispatch List- Contains all Dispatches, at a glance, each Dispatch tile will display the Dispatch number, number of jobs, acres involved, and assigned assets.
- Click View to expand the Dispatch tile, each job is displayed in the expanded view, and can be expanded by clicking View within each job tile.
- Assigning Assets- Add an Asset to the Dispatch by clicking the green Personnel icon. Additional steps can be found in the Assigning Assets to Dispatches help document.
- Dispatch Options- Click on the menu icon in the bottom right corner of the expanded Dispatch and select Options. This is where the jobs are dispatched to the Assets involved. Please note that Jobs may only be dispatched once. Additional information can be found within the Dispatch Options help document. The Blender Batches option shown will only appear if there is a Manual Blender assigned to the dispatch, more information on Blender Batches can be found here.
- Sorting, Grouping and Filtering- Located near the top of the page, there are many options to customize and narrow the jobs and dispatches displayed in the Operations tab
- List Filters: a list filter is available to both the job list on the left and the dispatch list on the right. Hovering over the filter symbol in the right side of the text box gives helpful guidelines to filter by different metrics.
- Sort By: allows users to sort by a number of metrics from the dropdown menu. Clicking the AZ button next to the sort by will toggle between ascending and descending order.
- Filter Template: Users can access filter templates within this menu.
- Group By: A new feature within Operations is Group by Common Blends, clicking on Common Blends from this menu will generate a new window that shows groups of jobs that share a common blend. This enables users to quickly select jobs to add to an existing or new dispatch that likely belong in the same dispatch. Groups that are have multiple Blend Sets share a common blend, but have a different product rate. Product rates for the Blend Set can be quickly viewed by hovering over the blue chemical icon in the upper right corner of the Blend Set.
- Dispatch List Menu- Located in the top right corner of the screen above the Dispatch List, clicking on this menu displays options to refresh, sort, and show completed or only most recent dispatches.
- Map View- The map within the Operations tab has options to view relevant data in relation to dispatching jobs including select map layers, and the new pin groups.
- Map Layers- located in the top right corner of the map. Clicking on this allows users to switch the map style, as well as, turning on select map layers that include Field Watch, and Weather. Assets and Field Attributes can also be selected to be displayed on the map.
- Pin Groups- the Pin Groups function is a visual tool that will display a marker over an area that has multiple jobs that are geographically close. The Pin Group marker will be represented by the number of jobs that are grouped together. Zooming in or out on the map can change the scope of the area that jobs are grouped together. Clicking on the select tool in the upper left corner of the map allows users to draw a selection window and select all jobs within the Pin Group to add to a dispatch.