Crop Area Mangement

The Crop Area Management tab of the Batch Crop Area tool has a variety of functions that allow users to edit and modify existing crop areas.

To begin, navigate to the desired Grower or Farm within the Profile tree. Next click on the tools menu located to the right of the map and select Batch Crop Area.

Map Selection

In addition to manually selecting fields in the list form, users may also click on the Map Selection button in the lower right corner of the window.

Using Map Selection tool gives users a better visual tool to easily pick out multiple fields that need to be selected for some of the functions described in the sections below. Initially the fields within the map will be colored by crop area color. Users may change the view to crop description by toggling the button in the lower left corner of the window from Crop to Description. Clicking on a boundary will select the field, a selected field will be represented by an orange field name. Click Continue with selected to return to the Crop Area Management tab.

Copy Crop Areas

Existing Crop Areas can be easily copied to subsequent years. Copying a Crop Area will carry forward all information associated with the crop area, including Planting and Harvest Date (with updated year).

To copy the crop areas, select the fields to be copied by checking the box next to field name or by using the Map Selection tool previously mentioned in the article. Next click Copy.

From there, select the desired year to copy the crop areas and click Submit to finish

Creating Sub Field Crop Areas

A Sub-Field Crop Area is a new addition to the existing Crop Area feature that allows users to set multiple crop areas within one year of a single field. This allows users to distinguish areas of the field with different management practices, such as multiple crops in a field, or by separating different seed varieties.

An initial Crop Area must first be created to establish a sub-field Crop Area; if the desired field appears within the Crop Area Management tab, click on edit to continue.

Edit Crop Areas Interface

  • Select All/ Deselect All- Automatically checks/ unchecks each of the Sub-Field Crop Areas in the list.
  • Map Remaining- If a portion of the field is not within a Crop Area, selecting this will automatically map the remaining portion of the field and create a new Crop Area.

  • Delete- This will remove any crop areas that are selected
  • Split- This function will automatically split and create new crop areas for fields with multiple polygons within the field boundary.

  • Merge- Clicking merge will combine two or more crop areas
  • Show Field Boundaries- Toggles the overall field boundary on and off
  • Edit- Clicking here will populate and allow the editing of the boundary of the crop area. Users may add, subtract or move vertices to adjust the area of the crop area.

  • ^- Clicking on the small icon above the edit button will expand or hide the crop area information section. Expanding this area allows users to edit the information for the respective crop area.

Selecting the Pencil icon on the left side of the map will display the Draw Crop Area Tools. These tools allow further editing and creation of Sub-Field Crop areas and function similarly to the add polygon function when creating a field boundary or editing a Season Zone. These include Cut Polygon, Draw a polygon, Draw a Rectangle, and Draw a Circle. Using these tools will automatically create new crop areas when saved.

Once all edits have been made, Click save to continue. The new Sub-Field Crop Areas will now be individually displayed under the field within the Crop Area Management Tab.

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