Mobile Assets
Both Assets and Asset Folders can now be created in the FieldAlytics Mobile app at the Location and Grower levels. Only assets categorized as a Point of Interest (POI) may be created in the mobile app. POI assets include:
- Airfield
- Crop Annotation
- Drop-off Location
- Fertilizer Plant
- Misc.
- Restroom
- Store Location
- Tanks
- Trailers
- Well Head
To access the Asset functionality start by navigating to either the Location or Grower levels within the Profiles tab. Next, select the Assets icon located at the top of the page.
Clicking on the Assets icon will display the current list of Asset Folders denoted by how many assets reside in each folder to the right. Tapping on an Asset Folder will populate the list of Assets assigned to that folder. Tapping on any Asset will allow users to view and edit the Asset. If any edits to the Asset have been made, tap Save in the upper right corner of the screen to continue.
Asset Folder Creation
To Create a new Asset Folder, simply navigate to the Asset Folder page and select the + in the upper right corner of the screen. Enter the name of the Asset Folder and select save.
Please Note: Asset Folders may be created in FieldAlytics Mobile, but cannot be deleted from the mobile app.
Asset Creation
To create an Asset in FieldAlytics Mobile, start by navigating to the Assets Folder page and selecting the desired folder to add the new asset. Please note that only POI assets may be created. Next select the + in the upper right corner of the screen and select the Asset Type.
This example will be demonstrating the creation of the Crop Annotation Asset type. Tap on each box in the Attributes and Crop Annotation categories to fill out the information about the new Asset. To add a location pin for the asset, navigate on the map to the desired location and tap and hold to drop a pin. User may drop more than one pin on the map for each Asset, but will require at least one. All Asset types will require a name, and location to be saved. Crop Annotation Assets will also require year, Commodity, and Description to be saved. Once all necessary information has been filled out for the Asset, tap on the Save button in the upper right corner to finish.