Crop Area Records
A new addition has been made to the Crop Areas tool. Within Batch Crop Area Generation, users now have a way to view all Chemical and Fertilizer records that were done within that crop area. Making Crop Areas a one stop shop to answer the question "What all was done on my fields/crop areas this year?". Take a look below to see the new layout with these records included.

Navigate to Batch Crop Area Generation, if there are any crop protection records done within a crop area you can now select the down arrow which takes you to the view below. Here, you can view the job number, the date of record(s), products and their rates. By clicking on the record you want more information on, the card will expand. Re-click to roll back up and open another record type.

How to get these records to populate: The search criteria for records is going off of the harvest date of the previous year to current harvest date. If there is no harvest date for this year filled out, it is going off the start of the current year (2023). This is an automatic process, users should see their records populating if there is a crop area on the field.