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Crop Management Practices- Type

Type is a new facet to the Crop Area Management tool that allows each crop to be set to a Traditional Crop, Perennial Crop, Cover Crop, or Fallow.

Below list specific constraints to planting date/ harvest date for the following scenarios for year to year crop types

  1. Traditional
    1. to Traditional
      1. next plant date must come after previous harvest date
    2. to Perennial
      1. next plant date must come after previous harvest date
    3. to Cover Crop
      1. next plant date must come after previous plant date (note the difference)
    4. to Fallow
      1. next plant date must come after previous harvest date, defaults to the day after the previous harvest date
  2. Perennials
    1. to Traditional
      1. next plant date must come after previous harvest date
    2. to Perennial
      1. next plant date defaults to previous plant date (also can't be before previous plant date)
      2. next harvest date must come after previous harvest date
    3. to Cover Crop
      1. next plant date must be after the previous plant and harvest date must be after the previous harvest date
    4. to Fallow
      1. next plant date must come after previous harvest date, defaults to the day after the previous harvest date
  3. Cover Crops - Plant date can be prior to the harvest date of the cash crop to handle an interseeding scenario. 
    1. to Traditional - next plant date must come after previous plant date
    2. to Perennial - next plant date must come after previous plant date
    3. to Cover Crop - next plant date must come after previous plant date
    4. to Fallow - next plant date must come after previous plant date
  4. Fallow (none crop area/poor conditions) - Treat as a regular crop type.
    1. to Traditional - next plant date must come after previous harvest date
    2. to Perennial - next plant date must come after previous harvest date
    3. to Cover Crop - next plant date must come after previous harvest date
    4. to Fallow - next plant date must come after previous harvest date
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