Crop Management Practices- Type
Type is a new facet to the Crop Area Management tool that allows each crop to be set to a Traditional Crop, Perennial Crop, Cover Crop, or Fallow.
Below list specific constraints to planting date/ harvest date for the following scenarios for year to year crop types
- Traditional
- to Traditional
- next plant date must come after previous harvest date
- to Perennial
- next plant date must come after previous harvest date
- to Cover Crop
- next plant date must come after previous plant date (note the difference)
- to Fallow
- next plant date must come after previous harvest date, defaults to the day after the previous harvest date
- to Traditional
- Perennials
- to Traditional
- next plant date must come after previous harvest date
- to Perennial
- next plant date defaults to previous plant date (also can't be before previous plant date)
- next harvest date must come after previous harvest date
- to Cover Crop
- next plant date must be after the previous plant and harvest date must be after the previous harvest date
- to Fallow
- next plant date must come after previous harvest date, defaults to the day after the previous harvest date
- to Traditional
- Cover Crops - Plant date can be prior to the harvest date of the cash crop to handle an interseeding scenario.
- to Traditional - next plant date must come after previous plant date
- to Perennial - next plant date must come after previous plant date
- to Cover Crop - next plant date must come after previous plant date
- to Fallow - next plant date must come after previous plant date
- Fallow (none crop area/poor conditions) - Treat as a regular crop type.
- to Traditional - next plant date must come after previous harvest date
- to Perennial - next plant date must come after previous harvest date
- to Cover Crop - next plant date must come after previous harvest date
- to Fallow - next plant date must come after previous harvest date