Printing Field Sample Layers

Sample Summary Map

Sample Summary maps have a map panel that show location and ID number sample points, as well as a point by point breakdown of the nutrient levels associated with those points, as well as Sample Date, Sample Method, Selected Lab, and Selected Package. Additionally, if the lab passes along element description information (VL, VH, H, O ect.) that information will be included in the report as well. 

Generating Sample Summary Maps

  1. On the field sample layer within the Main tab, go to the "Action" drop-down menu, located on the side panel near the upper corner of the map screen.  
  2. From Action drop-down menu, select "Sample Summary Map".
  3. Click "Go".
  4. System opens a separate browser window and delivers report within that window. Please Note: Reports delivered live are delivered within a separate "pop-up style" browser window. Ensure all pop-up blockers off in order to receive report properly.
For the grower or farmer level Sample Summary maps, see help topic "Sample Summary with Data"

Example Sample Summary Map

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