How to convert a "SST" file into a Zipped folder for upload as Boundaries and Field Sample?
Begin either on the desktop view or File Explorer view:
Right click on the SST file and "Rename", remove "sst" and replace with "zip": Click "Yes" to approve the file name change:
The SST file will now be in zipped folder format:
Right click on the Zipped folder and choose "Extract All"
Open the newly extracted folder:
SST folder will contain a bunch of unusable files for import into FieldAlytics, any useful Boundaries/Field Samples will be housed within the shapefiles(dbf,shp,shx). In the below example the files "Field 1" and "Field 2" are the Boundary files and the "SST 1" is the Field Sample files. Please Note: File names may differ between exports from SST, you'll may need to open the "dbf" file associated with the shapefile to get a better understanding of the data.
To import the Boundaries/Field Samples into FieldAlytics, you'll need to highlight the shapefiles specific to Boundaries or Field Samples. Please Note: Zipping Boundary and Field Sample files in the same folder will result in a failure to import, the data types need to be separate.
To zip the files, begin by highlighting the shapefiles(dbf,shp,shx) associated with the Data Type, right click over the highlighted files, click "Send to", and choose "Compressed (Zipped) folder"
The newly created zipped file can be used for Adding Boundaries or Field Samples :