Merge Field Sample Layers

The Merge Field Sample Layer utility allows for any two Field Sample Layers stored under a field to be merged together. 

What to Expect when Merging Samples

  • The field sample layer where the Merge Sample utility is accessed becomes the "Child" Layer.
  • The field sample layer chosen within the Merge Sample Layer window is the "Parent" layer.
  • Parent layers retain their lab, sample method, equation, and layer ID details as well as sample data values and points.
  • Child layers are stripped of their lab, sample method, equation and layer ID details but retain their sample data values and points.
  • The system will merge the two layers regardless of the sample ID values.
  • Original child field sample layer will be deleted upon merge.

Merging Sample Layers

  1. While on the Field Sample Layer that should become the "child" field sample layer, in the main tab, go to the "Action" drop-down menu.   
  2. From Action drop-down menu, select "Merge Sample Layer"
  3. The system opens "Merge Sample Layer" window. 
  4. Select the field sample layer to become the "Parent" field sample layer, from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click "Submit".
  6. The system processes and then merges the field sample layers. Re-expand field down to field sample layer to view.

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