Why is Slingshot Data missing or not flowing into FieldAlytics?

If Slingshot Data has not flowed into FieldAlytics through the API, there could be a several issues causing the disconnection. Slingshot should send new data into FieldAlytics every afternoon when set up correctly. (For more information on creating a Slingshot to FieldAlytics asset connection, view the Raven Slingshot to FieldAlytics Integration.) Follow the troubleshooting guide below to rule out many common reasons that could be causing a disconnect from Slingshot. 

Is the Asset connected and accessible to the intended Locations?

Assets in FieldAlytics follow the access level of the user that created the Asset in FieldAlytics. If the user that created the asset does not have access to the Business Unit/Location/Grower/Farm/ or Field, then that asset is not going to flow data into the intended area. Ensure the asset was created by a user that has access to the locations it will be sending data too by creating the asset with a user account that has the access levels needed. 

Does the Asset's Wireless Access Key in Slingshot match the Wireless Access Key attached in FieldAlytics?

When creating an Asset with Slingshot connection, the user must first have created a wireless access key in Slingshot Web Portal. Wireless Access Keys in Slingshot can be easily created and changed. Therefore, it is important to ensure the wireless access key for the location in Slingshot matches the Asset and Location it was created with in FieldAlytics. This can be checked by finding the Wireless Access Key in Slingshot and viewing in the Wireless Access Key in FieldAlytics listed under the Asset in the Asset Tab. If the Keys do not match, it is recommended to update the Asset in FieldAlytics to the Wireless Access Key that matches the machines Location/Owner in Slingshot. The "Owner" listed in Slingshot must match the "Owner" of the Wireless Access Key created within the "Share" tab on the Slingshot Website.

Does the Asset in FieldAlytics display an "Asset not enrolled" Alert?

When a Wireless Access Key expires, the asset will display an alert in red next to the boxes containing the asset's information. If this alert is present, call or email FieldAlytics Support for a Support Specialists to re-enroll the expired asset key.  

Note: Wireless Access Key Expiration is a requirement from Raven.

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