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Delivery Tickets- Miscellaneous Products

Miscellaneous Products are now available as a category in Delivery Ticket Work Orders for Merchant Ag connected locations. The Miscellaneous product category is meant to incorporate all deliverable products that do not fit within the previously available product categories of Chemical, Fertilizer and Seed. Products added within this category can either be added individually or a list with multiple products may be imported via csv upload. 

To add individual products, simply click Add Product under the Miscellaneous section and begin typing the desired product. Next select the product from the list of matching results. After the product has been selected, enter the total quantity in the box to the right of the product and select the unit (currently the units for Miscellaneous Products is limited to each only)

To import multiple products to the Delivery Ticket, start by selecting Import Products within the Miscellaneous section. Next click Browse and and navigate to find the correct .csv file for the Delivery Ticket. Once the file is selected, users must assign the product column and the quantity column to match the correct columns within the .csv file. If the .csv file already uses column names "Product" and "Quantity" the system will recognize this and automatically validate the file.

Once the correct columns are matched, click on Validate Products. Within the Validate Products portion, the upload will match anything that has a correct name in the file, if a name does not match the Product Match column will read Select Product. To validate a product with no match, start typing the correct name within the product match and select the corresponding name from the list below.

Example .csv file

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