Scouting Report
Scouting Report
Scouting Reports can provide detailed reports of Scouting events for a given date range. Grower/Farm/Field information, Field Area and Time In/Out are available in addition to a Field Map and legend of the scouting event. This empowers users to get a higher level overview of Scouting events all the way up to the Location level.
Accessing the Scouting Report
Navigate to the Records section of Fieldalytics and Click the "Report" button.
- A new modal will appear with a dropdown box for selecting a report type.
Choose Scouting Report from the list.
Scouting Report Setup
Start/End Date: The report will search for Scouting Events within this date range
- Profile: Clicking "Use Current" will use the currently selected Location/Grower/Farm/Field(s) on the management tree on the left side of the Records tab. Clicking in the empty box adjacent to this button will bring up the management tree where a desired profile level can be chosen.
- Record Type: Scouting
- Status Type: Choose job statuses to search for
- Additional emails: Emails entered here will also receive a copy of the report.
Scouting Report Example
*Other pages will contain photographs if included in the Scouting Event(s)