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Merchant Ag - Product Setup (Chemical and Misc.)

Users connected with Merchant Ag now have the ability to setup products as chemical and miscellaneous via Connect 3rd Party ERP. To access the Product Setup, open the menu icon in the top right corner of the FieldAlytics window and select Tools. From there select Connect 3rd Part ERP from the Select Tool menu. Choose ERP and Merchant Client then choose Product Setup at the bottom of the Window.

The Merchant Products window will display all products synced with Merchant Ag except for Fertilizers. This menu allows users to change the product category to either Chemical or Miscellaneous, to do so click on the box to the left of the product name and select the desired category. 

If users need to narrow the displayed list of products, Filter Merchant Products can be selected to filter the displayed products by a Name Search, by Inventory Site, and/or by Product Type.

A Mass Update of Product Categories is also available within the Merchant Products window. First select Mass Update in the top left corner, next users can set parameters of the mass update (Name, Inventory Site, and Product Type). Lastly select the Product Type to set all products matching the criteria and click Submit. Once all needed products have been associated with a category, click save to finish.

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