Saved Rx Management
The Saved Rx Management tool brings new functionality to users with saved Rx’s including the ability to select multiple Rxs to Filter, Export, Preview, or Delete.
The Saved Rx Management tool is available at the Grower, Farm, and Field levels within the profile tree. To access the tool, start by navigating to the desired profile level. Next, select the tools menu located to the right of the map and click on Saved Rx Mgmt.
Saved Rx Tool Overview
- Typing here allows users to search for a specific Rx by name
- The left side of the Saved Rx Tool contains all of the filters available to narrow down the displayed Rx’s. They include Crop Year, Crop, product, Analysis Type and Status. Multiple designations can be added to each filter level. To remove a filter, click on the x in the green box.
- Click in these boxes to select the Rx for further management. The box at the top of the page will select all of the currently displayed Rx’s
- Clicking the Map icon will display a second window with the applied area.
- Users can toggle what is displayed in the map by selecting the between Field Labels, Product Rate and Target Element.
- Different products can be displayed by clicking on the drop down menu at the top of the window.
- Clicking on the Show Details icon will expand the area under the Rx and will show the boundaries, Products, Rates, Total Products and Price for the Rx.
- Click to begin the Export process of selected Rxs. An in depth look at the Export Tool can be found below.
- Click the Delete button to remove the selected Rxs from the Manager and from the profile tree.
- Once Delete has been selected a subsequent window will appear, displaying all of the currently selected Rxs. This acts as a failsafe if delete is accidentally clicked and for users to have a second confirmation of what has been selected. Click Delete to permanently remove the Saved Rxs from the profile.
- Update Status- allows users to update the status of the selected Rxs to either Assigned or Exported
Clicking on the category of each column will sort the list by that column, the column that the list is sorted by will appear underlined with blue text
Exporting from the Rx Management Tool
Once the desired Rxs have been selected and the Export button has been clicked. A new window will appear with more options involving the Export.
The right half of the export window will show a preview of the files and file structure of the export, the left side allows the user to manipulate the export
Export Format- this contains a selection of supported formats to export the files
Resolution- Change the resolution of the exported Rx between 15m, 6m, and 3m
Merge- this will merge the previewed files into like folders (This only appears if multiple Rxs have been selected for export)
Include Rx PDF- selecting will add the corresponding Rx PDF and will be displayed in the preview
Include Applicator Rx PDF- selecting will add the Applicator Rx PDF to the export file structure. Once selected, users may select to merge the Rx PDF's if there is more than one file. Users may also set the Field Map Radius Buffer.
Please Note: The options within the first section are subject to changed based on the file format of the export.
Export Name- a name must be entered for the export, and will be the name of the parent folder where all of the files will reside
Email- type an additional email to send the exported files. Notification preferences will be followed if the email matches an existing FieldAytics user.
Update Rx Status- Allows the selection of Applied or Exported to update the status
Click Export to finish. The exported files will be emailed to the current user and to any additional emails designated in previous steps.