Crop Descriptions Colors & Map View
The crop description tool has a completely new look with added functionality that allows users to assign a color to each description as well as define a hierarchy for which description to display in the assigned crops layer. Users will now be able to chose between seeing "Assigned Crops" or "Crop Descriptions" within the assigned crops layer on Main and in the Job Wizard once a crop description has been assigned to a field within the Batch Crop Area Tool. Before we get to that part, let's start off with the initial steps necessary to get to enable viewing crop descriptions on the map.
Crop Description Tool
1. Navigate to the the hamburger menu in the top right of FieldAlytics, click on Administration, then select "Crop Descriptions" from the drop-down. The new look of the tool allows users to click and expand the specific crop they would like to add or manage descriptions, colors, and hierarchy to. Users can also add an entirely new crop from the "Add New" button at the top of the tool. Once a crop is expanded, here is what you'll see...
1. Hierarchy - This allows users to choose which prominent description and color will show up on the map if multiple descriptions are applied to a single field and the new crop description option is chosen in the assigned crops legend. To change the hierarchy, drag and drop to the desired order. NOTE: Please read the tool tips within each crop to understand the saving logic.
2. Description - A text box that allows the user to type what they want their description to say, usually the shorter, the better to be precise.
3. Color - Users can now assign a color to each description. A standard list of colors will be available to choose from, or users can click custom and create their own. The color chosen is what will display within batch crop area when descriptions are assigned as well as show on the map within "Assigned Crops".
Batch Crop Area Tool
Once all of your descriptions are fully set up within the Admin Crop Description Tool, the next step is to assign these descriptions to the fields of the users desire, seen below in the Batch Crop Area Tool.
Once in the Batch Crop Area Tool, users need to navigate to "Crop Area Generation" which is where the crop per field needs set in order for the descriptions to pop up.
Step 1 - Set the crop per field within the crop drop down text box.
Step 2 - Once the crop is set, the desired descriptions related to that crop will show up within the crop descriptions drop down.
Step 3 - Assign the description desired to each field, check the box on the field and click submit. NOTE: If multiple crop descriptions are applied to one single field the hierarchy assigned within the crop description tool is what determines which color and displays on the map.
Assigned Crops Layer
To see the final piece of all the work from above users can navigate to the desired grower, farm, or field within the profile tree. Once here, open the "Layers" tab and click "Assigned Crops". The legend will pop up that now has some different options that allows users to show "Crops" or "Description" on the map with their assigned colors to either.